What is your personal putting grip look like? Claw? Standard?

Was conventional, tried a claw for a bit but eventually settled on LHL and haven't looked back. Once I got the distnace control, its been the way to go.
I'm fairly standard. Tried some left hand low and did it for a little bit, but ultimately it felt too awkward and forced.
I tried that but never could get comfortable with it.
For 7 weeks I've been using my Putt Out equipment getting use to it. Pretty good results with it so far. Had a few 3 putts though last time so gotta work that out. Feels pretty good confidence-wise over putts now.
Very recently switched to a prayer style grip with both hands parallel on each side of the grip and thumbs next to each other on the front of the grip.

I picked up a variant of this grip about 2 years ago. Has done wonders for me. I describe as prayerful hands with a SS 2.0 grip stuck in the middle. I'm right handed and my left arm/should lead the swing. Right hand is pretty passive. I've seen this grip on tour only 1 time and saw a putting instruction this morning recommending this. The words he used were palms facing each other.

good for people with lower back issues as you don't have to bend as far. My conclusion is this is similar to the forearm bar putting without having a long putter.
TCB2010's grip is a semi prayer and reminds me that I never considered a true prayer grip until I got a SS3.0 on a putter maybe 4 years ago. One needs a big putter grip to get the palms totally facing one another. TCB's picture reminds me with a conventional grip I can't get fully parallel palms. However, this with trigger fingers extended down the shaft should eliminate the rotational issues I had with a traditional putter grip.
Settled on claw last year and haven't looked back. It works for me.
It's the same grip I use on all my other clubs, standard interlock.
Pretty well standard-- tried LHL, tried claw and my instructor told me based on what he had seen of me that standard was where it's at for me. So here we are....
Standard with both thumbs straight down the front of the shaft
Reverse overlap. Pretty much the same grip I've used since I started playing.
Just a regular type of grip
My putting grip is the same grip I use on all my other clubs. That being a very neutral version of the Vardon Grip.

I say "very nuetral" because the V's of my thumbs and forefingers point pretty much at my sternum/chin area.

This is the grip that helps me get my clubs to a square impact position.
Prayer grip, with both thumbs alongside each other. I find it gives me the best stability and balance in the stroke.