Struggling with that issue right now. Doing testing on certain iron shafts. So i take it very serious. I like trying new stuff but worried about buyers remorse.
Their new policy irked me as well. Their business model was great but when they ended their Paypal relationship , they started requiring direct access. I didn’t like it but so far no issues.
I can assure you there is a very noticeable difference.
stated loft doesn’t matter. Old cliche’s work here
1) don’t knock it till you try it
2) proof is in the pudding
Haha damn it you are right. My bad. But do you know why there is so much offset on apex pro? I just want to understand the science behind it. Especially considering there is less offset on mav pro.
@Jman while I haven’t seen in person yet the stock specs show rst pro has a considerable amount LESS offset than Apex pro 21. This is consistent with mav pro and even steelhead xr pro. Can anyone answer why Callaway adds so much offset to the apex pro? The only answer I got was tour feedback...