I recently cracked three ribs in a motorcycle accident. It was the most painful injury I've ever had. Anyone else have this problem? I'm wondering how long it took to recover and if it heavily affected your swing afterwards. I'm hoping to start hitting lightly in a few weeks.
I occasionally pop up drive, sometimes to the right. If hitting down too much on the ball is the cause, you'd think they would fly high and left. I can't figure out if I m cutting across the ball or not.
I've been trying this new swing thought. I start the backswing with my shoulders in a one piece move, and when the shoulders stop, I don't lift my hands any further, sort of like John Rahm. This seems to lessen the sloppiness in my swing. I feel like I am pulling the club through the ball...
I know you have to shift your weight back to the left, but should I combine that with an immediate turning of my hips, or slide left first and then turn? I think it's possible to overdo the slide. What do you think?
I know you have to shift your weight back to the left, but should I combine that with an immediate turning of my hips, or slide left first and then turn? I think it's possible to overdo the slide. What do you think?
He said to keep upper arms pinned against chest and keep inner part of elbows pointing away from the golfer. I think this may solve my problems because my elbows moved too much and made me inconsistent. Anyone else try this?
I had an odd thing happen recently while hitting out of a bunker. The flag was only about 6 feet from where I hit out. I hit the ball too hard but it hit the flag on the stick, got caught in it briefly and then fell straight down into the hole. How rare is that? I've never seen it happen...
Attended the US junior amateur today and Charlie was wide right a whole lot, firing +12. At one point he threw his driver and almost hit a spectator. Didn't Tiger do the same thing?