Scores are good. I'm happy with that. I'm a little concerned how distance has remained constant with irons and wedges but driver is a bit shorter. I need to go lower loft next year.
If you can't handle the heat of golfing while I'm blasting Wu-Tang or '80s thrash metal, get out of the kitchen and off my lawn.
But in all seriousness, if the music is too loud, ask them to turn it down. Conversely, if somebody asks you to turn your music down, be considerate and turn it...
Strength is the ability to produce force against an external resistance. Simply put, the ability to move more weight. One of the limiting factors in how much weight we can dumbbell bench press is just getting the dumbbells into position. I can get under a 300lb bench press a lot easier than I...
The freedom of movement is nice. They can also be a little easier on the the shoulders. Dumbbell bench presses are not as good for strength specific outcomes, but just fine for general fitness.
Dumbbells are a nice option. I don't think they work as a 1:1 replacement for a barbell bench press, but they're fine for general fitness and hypertrophy.