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  1. USAF Retired

    Cobra LIMIT3D Irons

    Man, that's all great to hear
  2. USAF Retired

    Post a picture of your day

    Congrats on the milestones 👍🏼
  3. USAF Retired

    Most Golf Holes In One Place?

    I knew I should have convinced Julie to move to the Villages 😕
  4. USAF Retired

    Choose Your Dormie Network Destination

    Right now for me: Victoria National Ballyhack GrayBull
  5. USAF Retired

    Its National Sausage Pizza Day

    I don't call Pequods 'Chicago deep dish' and the helps me enjoy it 👍🏼🤣
  6. USAF Retired

    How much hair do you have up top?

    Still none 😉
  7. USAF Retired

    What golf stuff did you buy today?

    Takes me a few minutes after the round to sort it out but that's easy I keep forgetting to mark my putts 😑🤣
  8. USAF Retired

    2024 Round Count

    67 this past Saturday
  9. USAF Retired

    What golf stuff did you buy today?

    I'm not a watch wearer but really like using the X5. Don't use a rangefinder anymore, just the front center back is enough for my game! Hope you like yours
  10. USAF Retired

    Fresca or Squirt?

    Don't drink either by themselves but use Diet Squirt for sour in an old fashioned 🥃
  11. USAF Retired

    Its National Sausage Pizza Day

    Man....that's great pizza 😍
  12. USAF Retired

    To change irons or not to change irons...that is the question

    Swap em out. What can it hurt if you don't feel there's a real shot to win
  13. USAF Retired

    2024 Round Count

    That's a great year 🔥
  14. USAF Retired

    The Official Banter Away Thread

    No cavity searches! Whew 😳
  15. USAF Retired

    The Official Banter Away Thread

    It's so scenic here outside of El Paso 😳🤣 This helps
  16. USAF Retired

    The Official Banter Away Thread

    Only 785 miles til we're home 🤣
  17. USAF Retired

    Post a picture of your day

    Wow. Saw some pictures from northern Wisconsin last night that were beautiful too
  18. USAF Retired

    What do you want to see more and less of?

    And less joggers 🤣😎
  19. USAF Retired

    What do you want to see more and less of?

    Less flat bill hats