I don't have much time to get to the course, so if I go, I'm playing.
But the SkyTrak+ has me practicing at home 1-2 times a week. There's also a putting green at the office, because my bosses are awesome. So I can sneak in a short putting session at work most days.
Youtube TV app > account > settings > live guide
Then you can drag channels up and down. You can also remove channels you don't want.
This is on the android app. I'm not sure if it works for iPhone.
I love YouTube TV. Ability to reorganize/delete channels is great.
Only issue I have is ABC doesn't work on my Sony Bravia tv in my living room. It works on my other tvs and phone. I've spent lots of time on the phone with tech support and sent them photos of numbers and graphs I didn't...
There have been a few names from OEM's that I couldn't stand. Don't know if it would have stopped me from gaming them if the numbers were good, but it definitely would have dropped them further down the list.