It's ok. I don't always have a lot of patience and waiting for the tv to turn on, load the app, select my account, then you never know what channel its going to come on to...
First time for the Mogadishu Mile WOD last night. I went with a 44lb kettlebell and finished in 42 minutes. Those one-armed ground to overheads are no joke. Goblet squats not bad. Push-ups are one of my strengths but 19 with one hand on the bell, then 19 with the other hand on the bell, whew...
I really think Costco is the way to go. Electronics these days seem just as likely to last 2 years as they are 10. With Costco and the right card, you're going to get the best warranty without paying a big additional $...
Monday was a good squat night. Six sets of 5 backsquats worked up close to my recent PB. Worked in the box steps, core, pushups, & more core, 20 each x 4. Finished with 4 sets of 4 front squats. Somewhere in there had a little trap/shoulder discomfort, not bad. Tonight was bench and finally had...
Growing up in the 70's & 80's in southwest Ohio, Rose and the Big Red Machine were simply legendary. I was more of a Bench fan. Mom liked Concepcion, Dad was a big Perez fan. Having grown up with all the stories, I guess I'm a little divided on his legacy and as far as the HOF goes, I don't care...
SW Ohio has rain in the forecast until Tuesday. Bengals play Panthers in Charlotte on Sunday. We have some friends going down & weather forecast looks wonderful...