2022 weight loss and nutrition thread

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2025 Worldwide Golf Championship - Team ?????
Albatross 2024 Club
Apr 26, 2018
Reaction score
Oxford, Mississippi
We had good participation in the 2021 thread so I thought we could give it a go again to support those who are seeking to lose, or maintain, weight and to eat better.

My 2021 started our promising for myriad reasons I got sidetracked. I'd would start up again and lose a few pounds and say to myself, I got this. Then, I'd would get complacent. Eventually , portion control was out the window. I'd start the late snacks again. Then a week or two later, I've gained back the lost weight. I was really disappointed in my inability to stick with a plan. I ended up almost 20 pounds up from where I started the year.

In anticipation of the new year, I began really focusing on what I was eating. I've removed nearly all starches from my diet. I've added in a lot of green vegetables, both raw and cooked. So far, it's working. Through 2 weeks, I'm down 7 pounds. Baby steps to get to 230 or better by the end of 2022. With knee surgery behind me, I can ramp up my cardio work. I've got an Echelon indoor cycle that I need to use more but hate it with a passion. I also want to begin some weight training. If you have a good plan for someone just starting out, please share it with us.

Who's in for the effort? A number of people had great 2021s and received awesome support from the forum. If you find a good tip, a good tasting protein bar or shake, or something that is working for you, post them up. Let's rally around each other.
I didn't participate last year but I'm finding that as I get older exercise alone is not enough to keep in shape. In 2020 I really focused on what I ate. I was logging everything in MyFitnessPal and was working out 3-4x a week. But just kept bouncing around the same 5lb. I got discouraged with it so in 2021 I quit logging food and gained about 10-15lbs. The problem for me was/is diet. I really enjoy food. I love cooking it, reviewing it, taking pictures of it, and of course eating it.

No exercise routine in the world is going to allow me to continue to eat the things I really want and enjoy. It's time to accept that reality and make a change. It doesn't make any sense for me to workout 4x a week or more like I'm doing and maintain the same weight. I don't know that I'll be able to contribute much to this thread right now as I know next to nothing about nutrition or weight loss but I'm along for the ride. I hope to get some great recipes and have some good conversation and accountability through participating.
In 2022 I hope once I recovery from surgery on the 30th I can get down another 50ish lbs.
I'm making my lists and attainable goals. It's going to be posted in 2 places.

1. Here and I want THP to help hold me accountable.

2. Office monitor at home as a constant reminder of what I'm trying to accomplish.

For those who are making goals. Best way to accomplish your goal is to make small milestones to get there with a plan for each one. Your goals are like a marathon. You've got to train yourself to get there. Crossing the finish line is great, but the most memorable part is the journey.
2022 will be a continuation of 2021 for me. I had my scale victory this morning hitting my original goal weight (before I decided to move the goal posts even more), and the scale victory went well with my non-scale victory from yesterday. I honestly don't really care what the scale says though because the last time I was my current pant size I weighed 20lbs less than I do now, so that should tell you everything you need to know about the scale. For me, it's all about body composition. I'm following my body fat percentage a whole lot more than the weight on the scale.

I'm definitely not where I want to be yet, but I am a billion times better than I was, and know I will get to where I want to be to get back to being "me".

I do have some travel coming up over the next couple of weeks, but I'm not too concerned. I've come too far to worry about anything like that.
My plan is with walking all rounds of golf to loose some weight this year. Need to eat better and get a bit more excercise in between rounds of golf
For me, it's all about body composition. I'm following my body fat percentage a whole lot more than the weight on the scale.

Yes to this! How are you measuring % body fat?

I'm looking at how my clothes fit. Last year I went from waist size 38 to 34. Need to keep up the fat loss - hoping to gain some muscle in the right areas, so overall weight loss might not seem as impressive.
Yes to this! How are you measuring % body fat?

I'm looking at how my clothes fit. Last year I went from waist size 38 to 34. Need to keep up the fat loss - hoping to gain some muscle in the right areas, so overall weight loss might not seem as impressive.

I bought a scale that connects to an app on my phone that tells me all my numbers. I know the actual numbers they use are normally not very accurate, but I have been using it as a guide. So my starting number is my base, whether that actual number is correct is kind of irrelevant, it's more to gauge if the number continues to move in the right direction, and so far it has. If you want a truly accurate body fat reading, find a Bod Pod or a Dexa scan near you, that's going to be the most accurate.
I bought a scale that connects to an app on my phone that tells me all my numbers. I know the actual numbers they use are normally not very accurate, but I have been using it as a guide. So my starting number is my base, whether that actual number is correct is kind of irrelevant, it's more to gauge if the number continues to move in the right direction, and so far it has. If you want a truly accurate body fat reading, find a Bod Pod or a Dexa scan near you, that's going to be the most accurate.
Makes sense. I have some professional grade body fat calipers if I want a decent "absolute" measurement. But I think I'll be able to gage progress just by how I feel & how clothes fit as much as anything.
Makes sense. I have some professional grade body fat calipers if I want a decent "absolute" measurement. But I think I'll be able to gage progress just by how I feel & how clothes fit as much as anything.

Honestly, the only time I get on that scale is when I feel like I look different or my clothes fit differently and then I just use it to back up what I think I’m seeing/feeling.
I'm in on this one. I've gained about 20 pounds back after losing 75 pounds and maintaining the loss for several years, and I need to get it back off. The pants and shorts are getting snug on the ol' waistline and I'm not buying bigger clothes again after I got rid of all them before!

Need to get my calorie intake tightened up and get back in the gym. Losing weight is simple, but simple doesn't mean easy!
Started intermittent fasting from 70pm to 11am everyday. Probably will tread water over the next week but hopefully after the holidays I start to see the effects.
I’m trying to eliminate or reduce the processed foods that. I eat. I’m trying to incorporate more fruits and vegetables in my diet.
I need to drop 20 pounds asap..
Well, I did it. Before years end I will have hit my 20lb weight loss goal. I still have more to lose, but now it’s more gain muscle mass and drop body fat, so the numbers will do what they do, but the initial goal has been achieved. 🥳

Congratulations that has to be a great feeling!
My wife got me a trainer for my bike so I can ride year round. I got everything set up in our spare room this afternoon. 2022 training & exercise starts today.
I’ve gone from 215 to 180 over 3 years. Going to work on dropping 10 more. I have solid routines in the gym I switch around but need to work on flexibility
Last year I lost 30+ lbs and will to continue to lose in 2022. Changed a lot of my eating habits but still have the occasional pizza or cheese, sausage and cracker dinner.
I may have had some of my mom’s amazing ginger bread and sugar cookies but stayed with in my Fasting schedule, that’s good right? 😂

Back at it tomorrow!
I'm on hold until the holiday season is over. There's way too much yummy stuff in the house right now. Nom nom nom.
@That post I have been hopeless when it comes to eating correctly so after some research I went with Noom. They provided me with great nutritional and phycology information about how I react to food. It might not work for everyone, but it works for me.
The one thing that I've really embraced is the simple switching from using dinner plates (10.5") to salad plates (8"). Just that one move has helped me control the portions of what I eat.
Well I know how my exercise and weight loss program is going to start next year. Wife got me the p.volve system for Christmas. Think there’s a message there? 😝
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