Are You Captain Material?


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Albatross 2025 Club
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Oct 8, 2008
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THP Experiences
It’s that time of the year when the search begins for a captain for some of our Experiences including the Grandaddy. First, you must be a 2023 Albatross Club Member. If you are not, more information on that can be found here.

With that out of the way, are you captain material? What we look for.
Active on THP
Enjoy talking about golf equipment
Follow Live Update threads
Get involved in actual discussions

We are looking for several and this thread certainly isn’t an audition, but for some it might add some clarity.
not that I have any input, but I’m following this closely!
I think I fit all of the criteria laid out in the first post. Personally I worry about little details a lot, am a bit weird, and fear that could stand in the way of being a good captain of other guys or gals.

I’d step up if called on but I’d be a bit apprehensive I’m not gonna lie.
I used to think I would be, but after taking a closer look at the captains from the past few years, I would not. Just ask my captain at work....haha.

I had the privilege of meeting some THPers this year that have everything and more to be a captain. @Muchmore18 came to mind, and thankfully he is one. @RealPretendPsychic and @Golfers Anonymous also come to mind. Also @BigDill and @OldandStiff would be stellar.
@Davidhibler @DataDude @jdtox @MattyD-MPLS and @JDax Are the main captains I have seen in my time following along with live threads. I have learned a lot from all of them as to me it used to be just about winning. I have learned there are soft skills that need be flashed to drive engagement through the forum. Also the big thing I have seen is herding the tangents in multiple threads back to the event and sponsors. I have gotten better at posting but also engaging in conversations....and arguments. :ROFLMAO:

Thanks to those captains I think they have set up others to succeed and I would add myself into that if I was so lucky.
I used to think I would be, but after taking a closer look at the captains from the past few years, I would not. Just ask my captain at work....haha.

I had the privilege of meeting some THPers this year that have everything and more to be a captain. @Muchmore18 came to mind, and thankfully he is one. @RealPretendPsychic and @Golfers Anonymous also come to mind. Also @BigDill and @OldandStiff would be stellar.
Don’t sell yourself short your a great guy that could easily get a group to rally around you.
@Davidhibler @DataDude @jdtox @MattyD-MPLS and @JDax Are the main captains I have seen in my time following along with live threads. I have learned a lot from all of them as to me it used to be just about winning. I have learned there are soft skills that need be flashed to drive engagement through the forum. Also the big thing I have seen is herding the tangents in multiple threads back to the event and sponsors. I have gotten better at posting but also engaging in conversations....and arguments. :ROFLMAO:

Thanks to those captains I think they have set up others to succeed and I would add myself into that if I was so lucky.

It is cool when you support an experience and then see those same participants following and supporting you!

Invest in the community and it will return it 10 fold!

Also, the c and the v are too close for typing out invest! 😂
I believe I am. Followed along multiple threads and been part of another that had Captains and have watched what is required to have a successful community engagement, equipment engagement, and leaving lasting impressions with the OEM’s. It is a large responsibility not to be taken likely as you know full well many THPers would love to be standing where you are if given the chance.
I think I fit all of the criteria laid out in the first post. Personally I worry about little details a lot, am a bit weird, and fear that could stand in the way of being a good captain of other guys or gals.
Ya know, me too.
I think I could be a good captain, but honestly, I am not sure if others have the same perception. I am active, enjoy talking about golf equipment and following live threads.
It’s that time of the year! Let’s go - don’t forget you have @Muchmore18 and the current Grandaddy crew to ask for guidance (not to mention just about any alumni)! The Grandaddy is definitely a family that stretches over the years..
I think I could do it and would love the chance.
I didn’t used to think I was. But believe I could do the “job” now.
These threads are always fun. Let’s go people, if you can’t respond in this thread that probably means the answer is No.
I think I could be. I’ve had periods of lower activity with school and my daughters sports and other family commitments. But school is going away soon. I know I can help build teams well. Always been a good behind the scenes teammate motivating.
I think I could be a good captain, but honestly, I am not sure if others have the same perception. I am active, enjoy talking about golf equipment and following live threads.
I’d jump at the chance to be on your squad if you were a captain.

I dream of my chance at redemption.

As a coach, I relish the role of leader, even more when it’s combined with all that is THP’s way of bringing amazing people together with amazing companies and places.
I think so. I like talking golf and golf equipment and I think this is reflected in my activity on THP. THP Experiences are an awesome combination of fun, unique golf experiences, camaraderie, and competition with access to the best equipment in the game and industry experts. It would be an honor to lead THPers into an event!
This is always a great thread. There are so many that come to mind for me. As a ridiculous lurker I’ll be glad to volunteer any tie breaker selection services…
I think I could be a good captain, but honestly, I am not sure if others have the same perception. I am active, enjoy talking about golf equipment and following live threads.
Was waiting for your to jump in. On my long list of candidates for sure