Bag Boy Volt Electric Cart

That was my thought and the reason i told them No when they offered a new one to replace mine. I did enjoy the Volt but its truely not ready for all courses. The cart has mqny great features that other carts including the navigator AI doesnt have. But the wheel function when turning plus the 2 controllers going bad for me just never sat well. I would have never trusted the unit again.
I did order the navigator AI now and should have it by the end of the week. I was truly impressed with the way the MGI carts handle the hills and also the Gyro tracking. They actually dont fall to the low side of hills and they climb and stay on line as hey go. Unfortunately the AI doesnt have the perks that a Volt has. If i was playing a flat course wiuld defnately have atayed with the volt. But on the hilly terrain of my club the perks arent as important as the climbing and turning ability.
I did ask the BagBoy customer service if they could get me an MGI as they use to carry them but they have no connection anymore.
I will miss the storage bag, the bag locking system, the large centered cup holder, the compact folding and the large console.
So they gave you a full refund ?
Yes but only after they made sure it was the same issue as the first time. Had it been something different they werent going to do that and they said they would just exchange it. But they stood behind it completely. Each controller only lasted just short of 3 months. I had only 85 total miles on the cart. Had it been anything else i would have had to accept a repair or exchange. I was lucky because the refund warranty was only 90 days from purchase. I bought it mid February. So it was only 5 months old. Their repair mechanic told me they are not having controller issues so i was the lucky guy to get the dog! Lol
Yes but only after they made sure it was the same issue as the first time. Had it been something different they werent going to do that and they said they would just exchange it. But they stood behind it completely. Each controller only lasted just short of 3 months. I had only 85 total miles on the cart. Had it been anything else i would have had to accept a repair or exchange. I was lucky because the refund warranty was only 90 days from purchase. I bought it mid February. So it was only 5 months old. Their repair mechanic told me they are not having controller issues so i was the lucky guy to get the dog! Lol
Glad to see you are satisfied and the way they stood behind their product. As someone previously recommended, Alphard has introduced their Cybercart. A member of the V2 forum on Facebook was shipped an early tester model and has been reporting on it. Seems it is stable on hillsides and doesn't flip over easily ( 6 inches wider than the Volt) which is what I am most interested in. Downside, it is heavier by 10 pounds and is not as easy to fold/unfold as the Volt. Seems to be as compact as the Volt when folded. I've got mine on order but it seems to have been delayed. Was expecting it this month but now will be happy if I get it in September. Not dissatisfied with the Volt, I just like shiny, new things...
If anyone is interested in a seat for the Volt with the frame mounting and or a sand bottle i have both that i would let go for half the cost of new. I only used the seat one time. I will say it is a very solid unit but theres never any waiting at our course so its useless to me.
If anyone is interested in a seat for the Volt with the frame mounting and or a sand bottle i have both that i would let go for half the cost of new. I only used the seat one time. I will say it is a very solid unit but theres never any waiting at our course so its useless to me.
Please keep items for sale the marketplace only.
Yes but only after they made sure it was the same issue as the first time. Had it been something different they werent going to do that and they said they would just exchange it. But they stood behind it completely. Each controller only lasted just short of 3 months. I had only 85 total miles on the cart. Had it been anything else i would have had to accept a repair or exchange. I was lucky because the refund warranty was only 90 days from purchase. I bought it mid February. So it was only 5 months old. Their repair mechanic told me they are not having controller issues so i was the lucky guy to get the dog! Lol
I am not so sure they are not having controller issues. My Volt locks up several times per round. I can switch to manual and after a random length of time the remote will control it again. It also randomly will jerk right then straighten out when running in a straight line. It works fine 95% of the round so I just work around it.
I am not so sure they are not having controller issues. My Volt locks up several times per round. I can switch to manual and after a random length of time the remote will control it again. It also randomly will jerk right then straighten out when running in a straight line. It works fine 95% of the round so I just work around it.
It does do some weird things once in a while. Today it dropped to 3 bars (at the battery) after only one hole. Stayed at three bars till about the 11th hole. At the start of the 18th I noticed it had 1 "red" bar left on the console display but 2 green bars on the battery. After moving it forward a couple of yards. the single red bar turned to 2 green bars at the console. I finished the round with 2 green bars at the battery. Go figure ...
I don’t know if I am an idiot (probably) or if I am having another complication with the Volt. I cannot get it to fold back down.
I had to kind of force it, but it finally broke down so that I could fold it up. Other than that, the cart performed really well today, although my main problem has been the battery lasting for 18 holes and I only played 9 this evening, so I did not test its durability.
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I have not used my Volt much this summer - just too hot to walk. But will be back to walking soon and am going to try and sell my Volt and go back to the MGI ZIP Navigator.
I have over 200 miles on my Volt at this point and have learned how to handle it to avoid tip overs etc. I feel very comfortable using it and have really enjoyed it pretty much problem free. Until yesterday morning!!! It was the first round that I used the Volt on dew covered fairways and I have to say it was horrible, borderline dangerous. Any type of uphill, downhill, sidehill terrain and this thing is uncontrollable. When you try to steer the cart the turning wheel just spins and the cart takes whatever path it wants to go on. I was super disappointed!!!
I have not used my Volt much this summer - just too hot to walk. But will be back to walking soon and am going to try and sell my Volt and go back to the MGI ZIP Navigator.
I am really enjoying the navigator AI I replaced my volt with. It doesn’t have all the great features that the volt had but the handling of the cart, the gyro tracking, and the turning of the cart is far superior which makes up for anything lost. Also the battery life is much much better. When I’m done my 18 holes I still have 75% left where the volt I was down to one bar left.
I have over 200 miles on my Volt at this point and have learned how to handle it to avoid tip overs etc. I feel very comfortable using it and have really enjoyed it pretty much problem free. Until yesterday morning!!! It was the first round that I used the Volt on dew covered fairways and I have to say it was horrible, borderline dangerous. Any type of uphill, downhill, sidehill terrain and this thing is uncontrollable. When you try to steer the cart the turning wheel just spins and the cart takes whatever path it wants to go on. I was super disappointed!!!
I was really disappointed with the way my volt did on dew covered fairways as well plus the gyro tracking couldn’t hold a side slope when wet or dry. The downhill on dew would just keep slipping and the cart would be basically uncontrollable with no turning ability.
I hope they make some big changes going forward. If I were to use my cart here at the beach a volt would be good but here in Pa on the hills it’s not an option.
Really glad to hear the Zip is working out for you!! Saturday the Volt completely stopped climbing up one hill and on 2 or 3 others it turned itself around and came back down the hill uncontrollably. I am really having buyers remorse after the last 3 rounds. I live in PA also and if there is dew or they have recently watered the Volt is horrible!!
Our course is populated mostly with the MGI Navigators. I didn't go there myself - Stewart Vertx instead. It's fine.

Seems like a lot of folks were sold on the Volt because it is so light. Not sure about the Navigator but the Stewart is probably not what anyone would consider light. I kind of wanted that low CG that the Stewart offers. Traction and tipping are not an issue for me. My cart folds up really neatly.

The niggles are the bulk of the remote. And how you have to have the handle at least partly extended to access the battery. Also, while operating in the highest speed, the remote controls require a serious push or the cart will not react. That seems a bit bizzare.
Really glad to hear the Zip is working out for you!! Saturday the Volt completely stopped climbing up one hill and on 2 or 3 others it turned itself around and came back down the hill uncontrollably. I am really having buyers remorse after the last 3 rounds. I live in PA also and if there is dew or they have recently watered the Volt is horrible!!
Same here☹️
Now that the weather's turned it's time to start walking again. Volt season is the best season...

A question for Bag Boy. I have put over 400 miles on my Volt. Since day one the battery has consistently read 28.6 volts, fully charged. The label on the battery says it should read 29.4. Why ?


  • battery.jpg
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My Volt remote control now is stopping 3-4 times during the round. Just won’t engage at all. Fortunately, manual mode works and I can use the control knob to move. After a few minutes the remote will kick back in again. Trying to decide if I should send back for warranty repair.
My Volt remote control now is stopping 3-4 times during the round. Just won’t engage at all. Fortunately, manual mode works and I can use the control knob to move. After a few minutes the remote will kick back in again. Trying to decide if I should send back for warranty repair.
Absolutely. If no one report shortcomings, how are they going to know if there is a problem. If you know someone else who has a Volt, borrow their remote and see what happens. If the problem goes away, then you know it's the remote. If it recurs, it's probably in the controller. Either way, you have a two year warranty. I would make use of it.
Absolutely. If no one report shortcomings, how are they going to know if there is a problem. If you know someone else who has a Volt, borrow their remote and see what happens. If the problem goes away, then you know it's the remote. If it recurs, it's probably in the controller. Either way, you have a two year warranty. I would make use of it.
I sent an email to Dynamic Brands detailing my issues.
I sent an email to Dynamic Brands detailing my issues.
Tucson, here is the number to bagboy. 1 (800) 955-2269. Give them a call on monday and ask for Rodney. He s the gentlemen in warranty and repairs. I think he handles almost all of the repairs and warranty issues. He is a great guy to talk to and he listens very well. Im sure he will be glad to help. best of luck
Tucson, here is the number to bagboy. 1 (800) 955-2269. Give them a call on monday and ask for Rodney. He s the gentlemen in warranty and repairs. I think he handles almost all of the repairs and warranty issues. He is a great guy to talk to and he listens very well. Im sure he will be glad to help. best of luck
Thanks. I sent the email to him ([email protected]). I kept this info from an earlier post you made advising he was a good person to contact.
Tucson, here is the number to bagboy. 1 (800) 955-2269. Give them a call on monday and ask for Rodney. He s the gentlemen in warranty and repairs. I think he handles almost all of the repairs and warranty issues. He is a great guy to talk to and he listens very well. Im sure he will be glad to help. best of luck
I spoke with Rodney about my Volt issues. At the end he agreed I should return it so he can troubleshoot. I am guessing he is going to replace the controller unit. I think he did that on yours? As you advised, he was very forthcoming and mentioned my issues have been reported by others. They sent me a prepaid label, I kept the original box to return it in. Thanks for your information.
Yes they did replace my controller and it seemed to make mine a little quicker on response from the remote. Rodney seems like a great guy and he listens to what you are saying. He also seems to be very well informed on the Volt and its operations. When I sent mine back the turn around was very quick. The only pain with it was carrying that damn box to the fedx store but you can have them pick it up at your residence. I wanted to get things moving as quick as possible so thats why i took it to them. Hopefully they turn it around super fast for you. Im sure they will as mine took only a week or so. Best of luck and let us know how it works out.