So they gave you a full refund ?@tucsondivots
That was my thought and the reason i told them No when they offered a new one to replace mine. I did enjoy the Volt but its truely not ready for all courses. The cart has mqny great features that other carts including the navigator AI doesnt have. But the wheel function when turning plus the 2 controllers going bad for me just never sat well. I would have never trusted the unit again.
I did order the navigator AI now and should have it by the end of the week. I was truly impressed with the way the MGI carts handle the hills and also the Gyro tracking. They actually dont fall to the low side of hills and they climb and stay on line as hey go. Unfortunately the AI doesnt have the perks that a Volt has. If i was playing a flat course wiuld defnately have atayed with the volt. But on the hilly terrain of my club the perks arent as important as the climbing and turning ability.
I did ask the BagBoy customer service if they could get me an MGI as they use to carry them but they have no connection anymore.
I will miss the storage bag, the bag locking system, the large centered cup holder, the compact folding and the large console.