Best By/Sell By Dates - Do you follow them?

Im pretty sure in the current climate according to the PGA Show, you just rub some CBD oil on it.
Smell and taste test, then eat it. Milk, I always smell before I pour since it's going to a kid and not to me. Haven't died yet, and I'm pretty sure I ate sushi that people returned back because it smelled fishier than normal to them. Whatever, that stuff was delicious.
Smell and taste test, then eat it. Milk, I always smell before I pour since it's going to a kid and not to me. Haven't died yet, and I'm pretty sure I ate sushi that people returned back because it smelled fishier than normal to them. Whatever, that stuff was delicious.

That was utterly disgusting.
You hoovered a plate of sushi that Noelle had to send back.
Chips are easy to tell if they are stale but I would absolutely eat chips that were past the date. Sell by and best by are 2 different things. I often cook with milk that is a week past the date because it smells totally fine. Meat is the same way to me you can tell if its bad usually.
That was utterly disgusting.
You hoovered a plate of sushi that Noelle had to send back.

I didn't eat that plate she sent back, obviously. The one on our half tasted and smelled fine. Never even felt a thing, and neither did the sushi as it was devoured.
As I sit here munching on a bag of sun chips with a best by/sell by date of 11/19/19 and JB looking at me with disgust, it got me thinking. Do you follow those dates? For dairy and meat products I do, but for pretty much everything else I am willing to test it.

I actually read an article just the other day that talked about how you can eat things well past those suggested dates, sometimes up to a year past them.
Chips, no problem, yogurt milk eggs chicken no way.

I will take it a step further, I collect all the antibiotics in my medicine cabinet that are no longer being used and keep them in an emergency bag (expired or not). I would not use any medicine without a dr telling me or prescribing. But I save them as part of my emergency stash. My wife thinks I am crazy, but if you watch any of those zombie or apocalypse movies or shows, what are they always looking for to survive.... food, water and antibiotics. So if there is ever a breakdown in society or national emergency or natural disaster, I will have meds on hand if the need arises. o_O
Heck yeah on the chips. Dairy & meat are a different story. When the people will come change out the vending machines at work, they will sometimes leave behind the "out dated" stuff on the counter & it's game on.
Um yeah dates get followed pretty religously around here. I also check the quality before cooking/using/eating regardless of the date.
I'll down it if he passes the smell and taste test. Like @Snickerdog , milk never gets to the expiration date at my house.
Same here. If its something like meat or refrigerated foods it gets tossed. Something else? I'll risk it to not be wasteful.
We usually go by the best buy date on most things. Maybe like chips or something would be okay...
Depends on the product. Eggs and condiments I usually go way over, dairy and meats never. I made some chicken this weekend on the sell by date and was realllll nervous. I didn't get sick but I'm still blaming the 111 I shot the next day on it :cautious:
I worked at Pepsi in college, merchandising at stores. They took back the stuff that was about to "expire" and sold it internally to employees for a $1 per case. It's not that the pop would "go bad"--i.e., make you sick--past that date, it was more a freshness guarantee. But if you went well after that date it may have tasted a little different or gone flat.
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I treat them like a suggestion, my wife thinks they're set in stone
If it is dairy based I follow the expiration date to the day. Anything else has to pass the smell test.
Dairy and Milk I'll smell before using/cooking. Bread related products I'll look for mold. Everything else is fair game after the published dates. Most are just arbitrary dates anyway.
Yes. I follow those dates to the letter. My wife drives me crazy. She will eat food past the expiration date. She also likes to keep leftovers for way too long.

Most of the dates printed on items are sell by/best by dates, not many items have a true expiration date on the label.
There is a great Adam Ruins Everything episode on this, and I suggest people find it and watch it.

People throw away a lot of potentially okay/good food due to misunderstanding what these dates mean. :(