Best Girl Scout Cookies

Trefoils (not shortbread)
Thin Mints

There are only two bakeries in the country that make Girl Scout cookies, and each has their own territories. See link below. Depending on where you live, the cookies may be completely different. I prefer the ones from where I grew up to where I live now. Also, I know way too much about Girl Scout cookies for a middle aged guy. When I was a teenager, my mom was the regional cookie director while my 3 younger sisters were in scouts. Every spring, an entire tractor trailer was unloaded into our garage, then the local groups would come to get their orders. Everything came in full cases, but the orders were rarely evenly divisible. Plus some people never came for pickup. Free cookies galore!
Samoas #1
Thin Mints #2

I would reverse and go Thin Mint then Samoa with Thin Mint as the GOAT. I can't buy them though because a serving of Thin Mints is a strip and of Samoas it is basically a box.
refrigerated Samoas or Thin Mints are the only respectable answer

These are the acceptable answers. They may fight for 1 vs 2 depending on the moment? But it’s always these two
I would reverse and go Thin Mint then Samoa with Thin Mint as the GOAT. I can't buy them though because a serving of Thin Mints is a strip and of Samoas it is basically a box.

They do disappear quickly.
Thin Mints & Lemon-Ups
I use to be a Do-si-dos diehard, but the Tagalongs have surpised them with the Samoa's coming in 2nd. I haven't tried the caramel chocolate chips and they have my attention.
1. lemonades

2. samoas

3. thin mints
They all taste like cardboard to me. If I'm forced to buy some, it's the lemon.
So much wrong in this thread. Do-Si-Do's are clearly the best.

Samoas. The rest are meh for me.
Thin Mints
Do-si-dos with a glass of milk is tough to beat for me
Girl Scout cookies aren't very good. There, I said it.
1. Frozen Thin Mints
2. Tagalongs
3. Wife's choice - Samoas
Tony Finaus
Tagalongs #1 Thin Mint #2
Man things suck in Canada! We only get two options, the vanilla cream, and chocolate cream. The vanillas are best served from the freezer.
Thin Mints!
Tagalongs and Toffee-Tastic are my go to's
Samoas followed by Tagalongs
Thin Mints, although I swear there are less and less in the box every year!
I'd take the Thin Mints all day!!

There are so many more options for you guys! Up here our only option is a mixed box of 1/2 chocolate 1/2 vanilla!
