Bogolfs tries to get better

Keep up the work my man, those 5 minute sessions might not seem like much but they will pay off down the road 👊
Thank you sir. I like doing the work and up here in MN I'll have plenty of time until the golf season lol.
Thank you sir. I like doing the work and up here in MN I'll have plenty of time until the golf season lol.
I hear you! I’m jealous of all our guys and gals in warmer climates 😂
With my latest Evolvr feedback we are going to start working on a shorter backswing. My instructor correctly points out that with as much as I'm turning and lifting my head away there's no way I can see the ball. I'll be working on stopping the swing with a 90° turn and keeping my lead arm straight.
The new workout program is awesome so far. Really feel like I've worked hard after getting done. Doing some different exercises than from my last program is great as it feels like I'm using similar muscles but in a way that's making them stronger.

I did some dry golf swings in the yard today while my daughter played as we got a 50° day here in MN. This is the winter that never was. Worked on a shorter golf swing and I think I may have found something. We'll see next time I get a ball in front of me.
So today is the last day of my first week of the new workout program. Yesterday were golf specific rotational exercises which felt great. The other four days are lifting to which I add either a treadmill or stationary bike workout afterwards. I must say while I'm no where near fit I feel like I'm on the road to that end for longer then I can remember.

I'm hoping to hit the dome this weekend but we do have a lot going on. I want to show some difference in my swing for Evolvr as I feel the daily practice I'm doing is going very well. Proof will be in the videos. My swing does feel so much shorter and I'm hoping that shows up with a ball in front of me.
Worked out yesterday and it was a struggle. Between visiting family and the SuperBowl my eating was atrocious this weekend. Felt it working out yesterday afternoon and as a result don't feel well today. I'll take today off and regroup.

Haven't been to the dome in a bit so I'll try to head there tomorrow. Want to see all this daily practice start showing up some.
Good gym session today. Decided to mix things up and start HIT workouts 3x weekly with cardio after. Man these are tough but doing as many reps as possible per exercise should fuel some good muscle growth.

I've got a lot of slow swing practice ahead of me. For me it's really getting out of my own way and listening to those who know of what they speak of regarding this journey.
After being 321 a year and a half ago I weighed in at 258.2 this morning. Can't remember the last time I was in the 250's. 235 here I come!
Completed workouts for the week this morning. Mixed things up throwing in a 6 week HIT program and man is it tough. Doing one set to failure sure feels different on the muscles.

Been uber busy so golf wise I've only been able to do my 5 minutes practice daily at home. We're moving on the 1st so I'm hoping to get to the dome this weekend depending on how much packing I can get done.

Even with trying to pack for our move Friday I managed to get to the gym and the dome today. Gym felt good. Today was a legs/core day with the HIT workout and man do I feel it. Finished off with 15 minutes on the treadmill at 7 incline and 3.5 mph.

The dome was a C+ maybe. Posted a couple of swings below. Couldn't get face on as it was packed. Golfers here in MN are dying to get out lol


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Down a couple of more lbs. to 256 this morning. Just wish golf progressed like this lol
We hit almost 70 today in MN so I went to an outdoor range. It was windy as all hell so the feel never matched the temp but nice nonetheless. I moved this weekend so I couldn't locate my tripod (of course I did this evening) so I have no video. Tweaked my setup a touch dropping my right foot back a bit. Seemed to really feel like it helped the swing overall. Took a lot of slow practice swings stopping at the top with a short swing but without video I can't be sure that held up well. Ball flight was a slight fade (which I like) so I'm sure I was still OTT. I would give this range session a B- and wish I had video to possibly grade it higher.
Workouts have been going great. I was down to 252 yesterday and feel like I'm getting the nutrition and exercise parts working well together. Could always eat more protein but if that's the toughest part of eating that's progress.

Outside of 5 minutes daily practice I haven't done much with golf since the range the other day. It is supposed to be getting to the 50's Sunday and into the 60's for the first half of the week so I'll make it a point to get some swings on video. Now that I got to hit off grass I would say I'm done with the indoor dome unless we get hammered with snow. That hasn't happened yet this winter so fingers crossed.
So I've started to incorporate a new drill. I put an alignment stick under my right armpit and then take slow backswings. When my arm hits the stick my backswing is done which hopefully will help me keep my swing where I want it. When I can get back to the range I'll do this drill 3 to 5 times then take the stick out and hit a shot. This will be my 5 minute daily practice for the foreseeable future.

Fitness is going well. I continue to get to the gym and was down to 247 yesterday morning. Revised my goal of 240 to 235 but we'll see how it feels when I get to that weight.
Been a bit of delay in updates but I needed to come back east as my mom's health has taken a serious turn for the worse. In a 3 day span we learned she had a tumor to she has stage 4 cancer and stopped eating and drinking for the most part. She has had a rough 3 months but certainly didn't think we'd be at the point of setting up hospice for her. My mom was never into any sports really other than following the Red Sox because my dad was a big fan. She always cared about what we were involved in including asking about how golf went.

I have kept up with my 5 minutes of daily practice and will go to the gym here in NH tomorrow morning. Despite the somber nature of this trip my family has commented more than a few times about my weight loss so it's important to me to keep it up. I know my mom always wanted us happy in whatever we did so I'll continue with my fitness journey keeping that in mind.
Been a bit since my last post. My mom passed away on Wednesday so mentally things have been a bit in flux.
Went to the dome today to hit some balls. No video as with my mental state still being what it is I forgot my tripod. Really concentrating on keeping my backswing short and my head in the shot. I wish I had the tripod because it felt like a half swing with a slight pause and fire through. I will say on a good many shots it felt like pure center contact so I will keep drilling to ingrain this feel.

Fitness journey is going well. As of this morning I am down to 243. I reset my goal to 235 from 240 but maybe 230 is the number. We shall see.