Can' swing through the ball.....


Active member
Oct 14, 2019
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Tried the swoosh drill and a few others but I can not get to a full finish....any secrets appreciated.
Tried the swoosh drill and a few others but I can not get to a full finish....any secrets appreciated.

Relax the arms, relax the grip.
So, I might have too much tension in the arms an hands....

Loose arms and light grip going back, get me into the follow through - don't stop the lower body and shoulder - just stay loose and keep turning.
You have to trust that swing, just let it flow all the way thru, belt buckle to the target and club will flow high and around
assuming you are right handed

let your arms hang totally by your side. swing both arms back and forth freely and get a feel (this is not a golf move swing) Now squeeze your left pinky as hard as you can and swing arms in front of you and behind. When I have no pressure I get the sense my left arm can bend at any moment. When I squeeze that left pinky that left arm gets more rigid like a battering arm.

Now without a club take just left hand with pinky tight and make a golf like backswing with just the left arm. It feels to me like my shoulder and arm move as one and my left arm is like a battering ram. No way to make a natural abrupt move. Pendulum goes up, pauses and comes down.

now repeat with an 8i with just left arm. at the transition you should feel a free fall during transition

now put you right hand on the club. If it alters your abiltiy to make the move, you know the issue is your trail hand. try chipping with just the left arm to see the power. I'm an engineer and I can't explain it. the right hand trying to take control slows the club head and causes directional issues.

I'm very right hand dominant but this is my experience and I've proven this my issue from putter, chipper, pitching, irons and driver;;; every club in the bag is better when my trail hand supports vs leads
Assuming there are no physical issues holding back a complete body turn, and follow through, tension is probably the problem.

I know a guy with physical limitations, with the same problem, due to an "arms only" swing.

Try focusing on having the shaft of the club touch your back on the follow through. This is best done with out using a ball.

When I was much younger, and hitting the ball alot farther, one of my swing guru's practice regimens was for me to turn my hips, and swing so fast, that I could feel the club shaft flex on my back.
easier said than done.....LOL!
Do it on the range until you have it burned into your brain. I do know what your saying though as it creeps back into my swing on occasion and then everything goes right. :banghead:
easier said than done.....LOL!
If you stand too far from the ball, you will never be able to finish the swing in balance.
Our head and hips counter balance(genetics) in the coronal plane(frontal plane)
At address find your balance (weight on heels)
with your chin ahead of your toes and back relatively straight.

Now the intent of how you want to use your hands dictates how the body moves.(if you let it move)
Rick McCord explains:
