Contest - THP iPad 2 cover


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
First, let me say that this contest is in no way associated with THP.

A while back I bought JB's iPad 2, he included a THP plastic cover. I believe it's one of a kind, JB can correct me if I'm wrong on that. I have since moved on to an Air and passed the 2 on to my niece with a life proof case on it. So, I now have no use for this awesome cover.

I know there are people out there with some pretty cool THP merchandise/memorabilia collections that this would look good in. So, the contest a picture of your THP collection on display and I will assign each photo a number as they are posted starting with 1. Then randomly pick the winner out of a hat Friday evening.

Albatross members only please and I'll cover the shipping. Good luck!

Awesome gesture Mudflap!

That is a really cool cover.
Very cool of you to do this giveaway. Just wish I owned an iPad 2.
I would love to rock that cover. Will get a picture posted up tonight.
Cool contest...maybe I should buy an IPad so I could have a use for the cover
That is definitely one of a kind. I would rock that any day of the week.
Super cool idea!
No need for an iPad to enter the contest. Just a THP collection photo, I'm ok with it sitting on a head cover shelf or something like that.
This is every item I keep in my office with the THP logo!
Contest - THP iPad 2 cover


Seeing the Morgan Cup emblem every day I walk out of the house puts a smile on my face. #NotOnlyAboutGolfButLife

...this is just a small amount of the THP swag around the house.
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Pretty sure I have more but this is what I found on a quick trip around the house:


Oops, forgot to check my office: Jake comes to get the shiny thing back next week.

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Pretty awesome gesture, here.
These collections are amazing.

My THP collection consists of the AC coin and a lime green towel. I need to get more THP swag ASAP!
Here is my entry

And the winner was picked...congrats Howzat!

PM me your address and I'll get it out to you Monday.

Thanks everyone.
And the winner was picked...congrats Howzat!

PM me your address and I'll get it out to you Monday.

Thanks everyone.

Very cool. Thanks dude!
And the winner was picked...congrats Howzat!

PM me your address and I'll get it out to you Monday.

Thanks everyone.
Congrats Erik!
Congrats Erik! Nice collection you've already got, and now a 1 of a kind addition.
Pretty sure I have more but this is what I found on a quick trip around the house:


Oops, forgot to check my office: Jake comes to get the shiny thing back next week.

The winning entry(s)!