Do you purge or hang on?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2023
Reaction score
SW Florida and Central Ohio
So now that I’ve settled into my current golf set up. I find myself with some extra clubs, extra putters a couple of extra bags, a wedge or two…etc.

One of my buddies has a basement full of various clubs, bags and so forth. He just can’t seem to part with it. Thinks…I might try that driver again someday or I might use that putter sometime, but he never does.

How about you? I just put my two extra bags on Facebook marketplace I think I want to just streamline everything.

Hoarder here, hi.
I tend to keep the herd thinned, but I also don't cycle through golf clubs super often.
I have been keeping a couple sets and a few odds and ends for my 13 year old. Now that he is my height and decided what he wants it's time to let other people store them.
Purge. I do my best to not keep things around that I don’t use currently. It helps curb my indecisiveness 🤣
I tend to keep a lot. Especially things from THP Experiences as those clubs are worth more to me in sentimental value then anything.
I keep a few things around and not a hoarder yet.
I try and get rid of some stuff here and there but I keep most of my stuff around for a long time
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Please don’t look in my garage.
I’m a little bit of a hoarder
I'm a bit of a mix. I keep things with sentimental value, but have moved a ton of other equipment. When letting something go, I've tended to give it to friends/family since I have been very fortunate with THP and gear.
Been hoarding the past 6 years but am going to start purging in the next few days. Have about a week to 10 days downtime until I can play again and my plan is to clean up and list a bunch of stuff.
Purge. I do my best to not keep things around that I don’t use currently. It helps curb my indecisiveness 🤣
Ohhhhh… that’s a really good point! Keeps the temptation away.
I'll keep the old stuff around for a couple of months just to make sure there's no honeymoon effect with the new clubs, but once I'm sure of the new stuff I'll move the old stuff on.

My thinking is, I bought new gear because I found it to be better, why am I going to go back to the old stuff?

The exception is putters. Ones that had long term staying power in the bag tend to stay around.
I only thin out when LDax starts to complain.
Purge. I only have 2 sets of irons and 2 putters, no doubles of anything else.

I just sold 2 bags and a loft/lie machine on FB Marketplace.
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Once I replace something, the old one is gonezo.
Purge. I hate clutter and clubs I'm not using are clutter. I'm never going back, might as well pass it along!
I have 5 staff bags on display. A carry bag and a cart bag. One set of clubs. A few extra putters.
I might keep a couple of clubs if there’s a memory attached. Otherwise they go somewhere, as a lefty it’s hard to find people to sell them to. I sometimes drop a bundle off at a local municipal course hoping some kids eventually get them
I have my Grandaddy bag setup, and one extra putter. One spare bag, but that is more because I want one for travelling that I don't care if it gets broken.

Thats it though. I am in the purge camp.
I horded for a bit now I keen only the bare minimum. Which usually constitutes what is in my bag and a couple extras that work in and out..