Favorite Pants for Golf and Work

Concourse if you’re looking for strictly pants. Halifax if you want the jogger leg of the performance pant, but with a button and zipper. Performance are joggers with an elastic waistband and drawstrings and they aren’t super stretchy. Their best pants are Halifax and Concourse by far
3 concourses and a halifax on the way
I have a couple pairs of Puma 101 that have been great for work, golf, and travel
Going to love them!!
Can't wait! Appreciate the tip...I've really enjoyed their sweatshirts for golf especially when it's gotten cooler around here
Shoutout UNRL...ordered yesterday and they shipped them out within a couple of hours. Super quick!
Another vote for Puma 101's.
Due to my new amazing fitness lifestyle and the crappy Syracuse, NY weather (no more shorts) I am actually heading to mall tonight to do a little pant shopping. Appreciate all of you in this thread as I have been following it for tips.
Due to my new amazing fitness lifestyle and the crappy Syracuse, NY weather (no more shorts) I am actually heading to mall tonight to do a little pant shopping. Appreciate all of you in this thread as I have been following it for tips.
Alaways shorts weather! Definitely wearing shorts for my round coming up on Saturday.
Alaways shorts weather! Definitely wearing shorts for my round coming up on Saturday.
Oh same here for Saturday. We actually wear polos & shorts in the office all summer. I went to put on pants this week w/ weather turning and they were all way too big (very much a good thing). Need to grab a few pairs tonight. I agree about shorts though... I'm literally known in neighborhood as guy who shovels in shorts.
Oh same here for Saturday. We actually wear polos & shorts in the office all summer. I went to put on pants this week w/ weather turning and they were all way too big (very much a good thing). Need to grab a few pairs tonight. I agree about shorts though... I'm literally known in neighborhood as guy who shovels in shorts.
Congrats on the reason for buying the new pants.
Among my golf pants, I have worn my lululemon and bonobos pants for work and other non-golf occasions. They're simply very nice pants for all sorts of things.
The original Penguin and UNRL arrived today

The concourse pant from UNRL is unreal, great stretch, extremely comfortable and fits me perfectly

The original penguins were a little tighter but I also think they are a home run! Also great fabric

Very happy with both but the UNRL blew me away
I love the Haggar Cool Right pants.
I tend to wear a golf shirt with golf pants to work everyday. I have a few pairs of pants that I usually only wear to work, and then some I only golf in.

What's everyone's go to for pants that you like wearing to work, but also function well on the course. I am in need of some upgrading for the ones I wear to work and wouldn't mind if they double for the course.

Lay em on me!
I’m the exact same way, in terms of rocking golf pants/polo to work. Bonobos pants are my go-to. Tried a year they run a big sale where you can get their stuff for up to 70% off and that’s usually when I buy stuff
As is always the case I learn something when I check out different threads.
I’m looking into UNRL. I hadn’t heard of the brand. These pants all work from course to office.
I own a pair of 32 degrees pants that are surprisingly good. Don’t be afraid of this brand. The price for value is excellent in all of their categories.

Loved the UNRL story. Buying the Concourse pant. I’ve recently lost 35lbs so have to figure out my current size.

I bought a bunch of 32 Degree stuff this summer and loved it. Gonna have to give the pants a try!
Wore the Original Penguins to work today....excellent recommendation everyone

Like I've mentioned the UNRL concourse are insanely good as well

Got some 101's en route to finish it out
I have a couple pair of pants from Bylt and while I haven't golfed in them I definitely think they would be fantastic.
I've ordered more Puma 101's and UNRL Concourse pants...definitely my 2 favorite

@Muchmore shoutout on the UNRL suggestion...they are freaking dynamite. The tall sit perfectly right at the top of my shoe line
I've ordered more Puma 101's and UNRL Concourse pants...definitely my 2 favorite

@Muchmore shoutout on the UNRL suggestion...they are freaking dynamite. The tall sit perfectly right at the top of my shoe line
HEAT!! So glad to hear they are working out!