ANNOUNCEMENT Guide to Using the THP Forum

Any chance we can get an Edel smiley? :D
Just logged in today, and THP looked totally different. It was very narrow. I had seen the "change width" feature before, so I hit that and it widened up again. but it still seems to be vertically challenged! The type is so tiny! I'm in night golf mode. Is there something I can do to correct this situation. Maybe a "zoom" function or something. The forum looked completely normal last night when I shut down. I need help.
Members need 25 posts to send a private message, but can new members having less than 25 posts RECEIVE a private message. Couldn't find an answer by looking around, but newbie here so might have missed it.
Not what I'm asking, I'm trying to send a private message to a user that has less than 25 posts and it's not allowed.

This is what I see when hitting the 'start conversation' tab:

Oops! We ran into some problems.
You may not start a conversation with the following recipients:____________.

I deleted user name since it's a private message.
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Never mind, found it. Should have scrolled down two more announcements and there it was...! Newbieitis.