Had my 4th lesson last night since returning: The importance of the 'LEAD SHOULDER'


Feb 7, 2024
Reaction score
Had a solid lesson last night. Was hitting my 7i & 4i, while my coach was monitoring numbers on Trackman. Sepcifically, Face Angle, Club Path Angle, and Face to Path Angle.
His goal is to get my Face Angle and Club to Path Angle between -2.0 - +2.0, which subsequenly leads to a Face to Path Angle close to 0.00

He was saying that I have a tendency to lift my left shoulder through rotation and into impact, rather than rotating it through with my body. I was able to get the numbers within his range but not consistently. I'm going to hit the range over lunch and work on my swing, but unfortunately I won't have a launch monitor to see numbers. Currently I am trying to keep my left shoulder down and back during my backswing, without lifting it up during my swing. Coach said that it will naturally lift up during the follow through, but to keep it down as long as possible, and to really let me lead arm fall down close to my chest.

Does anyone have any insight on the Lead Shoulder? I found a clip on IG of Justin Rose talking about this, as well as a Chris Ryan YT video. But would love to hear from THPers and what they know about the Lead Shoulder, whether it's more supplemental videos, or just some feeling/sensations they look to feel in their lead shoulder when swinging. Thx!
