Have you ever Blocked anyone?

Blocked 2. Don’t even recall why. it usually takes a real DB to get me to block them
Never blocked anyone, never felt the need to as it takes quite a bit to get under my skin to begin with and a keyboard warrior isn’t going to ruin my day.
Yes but I don’t think he is around anymore. Wouldn’t know if he was though 😉
I've never blocked anyone. If someone has a criticism of me, I'll read it and make up my own mind as to whether they are overly touchy, or if they have a point. There have been responders on both sides. And, if anyone has blocked me, I have to figure that they are in the overly touchy category. To each their own.
Once. Unfortunately.

I assume so. I talk a lil bit.. often. :LOL:
Test, test...hmmm, maybe the microphone isn't broke and they still can't 'hear' me. :ROFLMAO:

Answer to OP's question...I haven't blocked anyone.
simple enough: have you ever blocked anyone on here? do you think anyone has ever blocked you?

i saw a few posts in the college football thread talking about it, so i figured i would throw it up here. i have not blocked anyone, yet....of course there are a few people i just can't seem to get along with but that makes it more interesting. can't get along with everyone.

I have not blocked anyone. I never would, why wouldn’t I want to see what they had to say? Unless it was outright offensive I’d rather know if/why someone is upset with me. I’ve been told by one member here that they blocked me? Ok. I’m crying a freaking river? 😂.

I wouldn’t say there’s anyone that I wouldn’t but I really can’t see a reason why I would. If I have an issue with them I either resolve it via PM or it’s not resolved but it doesn’t matter? It’s not that important at the end of any day. If not a problem for me after day 1, it’s not a problem.

CFB could get me pretty fired up back in the day, 😂. So I guess that’s a good way to test someone’s intentions, haha.
I think I've blocked three. Two have since been banned and the other I unblocked. Haven't seen him post much lately, though. :unsure:
I thought I had a person or two on my ignore list, but I checked and none where there. Perhaps they were booted from the forum so they don't show up anymore. I don't think I have blocked anyone though.
I remember last year having a thing with a guy on the boards where a thp staff member stepped in....but we ended up working it out over pm.
I remember last year having a thing with a guy on the boards where a thp staff member stepped in....but we ended up working it out over pm.

I’ll use the same line, “I thought we were bro’s”? 🤣.

For the record I don’t recall ever having a PM argument with you, 😂. So I don’t “think” this is me, 😂.
Didn't even know you could block. So have not.
Twice, one I don’t think is around anymore. I’m fairly simple and easy. I don’t need to repeatedly hear why your opinion is fact and everyone else is wrong. Unless we’re talking about the overly harsh dislike of iron covers, then yeah they’re totally wrong. If someone has blocked me I haven’t lost any sleep over it.
I would not be surprised if I have been Ignored. I have Ignored a small number of people, but I feel like they worked really really hard to earn / deserve it.
I would not be surprised if I have been Ignored. I have Ignored a small number of people, but I feel like they worked really really hard to earn / deserve it.

Thats certainly the same case for the 2/3 people ive ignored. You get to a point where you just have to wonder if theyre wanting to be ignored. Ironically no......they just want attention. hahaha. I think 2 of the three have left a long time ago anyways. the third......well he deserves to be there whether he is around or not. haha
Not on here.. in real life, yes
Thats certainly the same case for the 2/3 people ive ignored. You get to a point where you just have to wonder if theyre wanting to be ignored. Ironically no......they just want attention. hahaha. I think 2 of the three have left a long time ago anyways. the third......well he deserves to be there whether he is around or not. haha

Hey bro, I’ve got nothing but love for ya! 🤣
Just one and it looks as though they're no longer around. No idea if I'm on someone else's list and don't care.
No. I generally am not the type of person that will block anyone even when I don’t agree with them.
Nope. There have been people where I just skipped past their posts without reading but that's about it. No idea if anyone has blocked me but I hope not. I try to avoid anything on here where it gets testy.
Almost did twice but the fomo of missing a post that just makes me shake my head keeps them active for me to see.
Two people here.
I'm fairly new to THP, so have not run into any reason to block anyone, yet. My attitude is everyone has their own opinions to which they are entitled. Until someone starts forcing their opinion on everyone (particularly if it's highly political in any way) or name-calls others for not agreeing with them, they are okay in my book. We shouldn't need to agree on everything to get along with one another.

Unfortunately, on FB, I have had to block many. Thankfully, THP is nothing like FB.