ANNOUNCEMENT Homepage Downtime Friday 5/15/20


Chick Norris
Boss Albatross 2024 Club
Staff member
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
For over a month now I have been working on a new design for the THP Homepage, and this Friday, May 15th, I will be taking the current homepage offline to input the new one. This will take me a few hours, assuming I don't break anything, and when it's all done I will make an official announcement.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but I sincerely appreciate your understanding and patiences while I work to get the new page up and running.
So excited to show off this fresh look.
Thanks for the heads up!
Does this mean I will have to actually spend time with my family. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Looking forward to seeing the new look.
Does this mean I will have to actually spend time with my family. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Looking forward to seeing the new look.
Either that or actually working...
Looking forward to the new and shiny look!
Actually, now that I read it again, she might just be talking about the homepage. I think the forum will be up the whole time.

No working, have to burn some PTO so I will playing 18 in early morning.

I just came off 6 weeks of admin PTO due to COVID-19. I may not have to use more than a couple of days this year now.
Thanks for the heads up! Looking forward to seeing the new design!
You said home page, so that doesn't mean the forum then right?:cool:
edit, answered!
we posted at the same time!
Awesome! Take your time, I am sure any downtime will not matter once the sparkly new home page is live. So cool that @GolferGal does the tech stuff. something I wish I knew more about!
Awesome! Take your time, I am sure any downtime will not matter once the sparkly new home page is live. So cool that @GolferGal does the tech stuff. something I wish I knew more about!

I don’t know much, sadly, but thanks to @theannihilator I am able to get a lot of this stuff done. He’s a very patient person haha.
NOOOOOOOO..... just kidding. can't wait to see the threads
What is the timeline on this?
Can't wait for everyone to see this, its a fresh new look!
Looking forward to seeing the new look! (y)
Can't wait to see it. I'm sure it'll look better than it does now...
What is the timeline on this?

I plan to get started tomorrow morning. It should only take me a couple of hours, BUT I have been known to break things, so that could end up making it take longer.

Just a reminder this is for the homepage NOT the forum. The forum will be working as normal. Unless I somehow break that too haha.
The forum will be working as normal. Unless I somehow break that too haha.

Don't scare us like that. I'm getting the sweats just thinking about it.
I’m excited! The new look is gooooooood