Initiating the swing with trigger moves.


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Jan 8, 2020
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I notice a lot of golfers use a number of different trigger moves. Sometimes the pros talk about their triggers that basically start their takeaway and how critical it is to their swing process. Some use a hip move, grip move, club handle move, wrist move, waggle, bounce, and so on.

I was thinking I am probably one of those that does not have a standard trigger (or it just doesn't cross my mind) which may help to play more consistent golf. It seems I have been looking for something that would be stable throughout and pretty much work from the driver down through the gap wedge and possible the sand wedge.

In the recent thread about Starting the Swing it made me think of what you start your swing with and have you found that if you repeat your trigger that it works, or do you find that you have not found something that you can start the swing with repeatably that you are happy with?
I use a mental forward press to give the backswing a rhythm to play off of so it feels like it doesn't start from a dead stop.