
Jul 28, 2009
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Situations in my life have changed significantly due to the poor economy et al. My work has been cut back to 3 days a week and my salary has been reduced by about $25,000 per year. This may not seem like a lot to some people, but it has a huge impact on my life. This is why I could not make it to the outing this year.

This is not a woe is me thread, this is a thread of hope. I tell you what I did above to set the scene. I am getting a new job on September, but from now until then, I have decided to start writing a book. This is something that I have always wanted to do, but I never had the free time to truly pursue this endeavor. In the month and a half that my job situation changed, I have managed to write about 4 chapters of the book and I look forward to trying to have a completed version done by September! Whether or not it gets published is really a moot point as it is in the writing that I am finding myself.

What am I writing about you may ask? I am writing a story about the life of a depressed person trying to cope with his past and how he is going to move from severe depression into a normal quality life. The main character is based upon my life, but I magnify his problems with alcohol, women, work, the death of a very close person and add a drug problem and suicidal thoughts. I am trying to weave a tapestry of joys and pains, triumphs and despair where the deeper you travel into the book, the more you understand the character and the more you truly root for him to find himself and his place in this world.

Writing this book has been a very cathartic experience and I hope I end up with something that people will want to read. Anyway, I told people in the outing thread that I would give my reasons for having to drop out and here is that thread.
Very sorry to hear that Seth, but also very proud to hear whawt you are doing to turn your run of bad luck around.
Good on you bud!
Sorry to hear about your job Seth, but its great you are doing something with your time that you have always wanted to do. I'm an avid reader and would love to read your book when it is finished, if you are looking for people who are interested.
You can be like the Rmac of authors dude! Congrats on the new gig in September and congrats on pursuing a dream of yours!
Wow that was very touching. Good luck on your current path. I for one will be looking out for your Book ( I will pray that it is picked Up) . In the least you will have the sense of acomplishment. May many blessing head your way. Thanks for your honesty
Seth man, sorry about your job. I love your attitude and that your writing a book. That's awesome. I'm glad its helping you. Life can be rough sometimes, but remember we are never alone in it. Congrats on the book and the new job in September!
SethO, we're all behind you 100% buddy. I know you'll rebound nicely and it sounds like you're really handling everything very well. The book sounds amazingly interesting and I'll be first in line for a signed copy!
Thank you for sharing that with us Seth. So glad I had the chance to get to know you during the last outing and Ill definitely be rooting for you my friend. Sounds like a great plan and a lot has opened up to you. That book sounds like a great read man and I hope you can share it with us when you're done.
Best of luck to you SethO... I know you'll bounce back strong.
And I'm in to buy your book, but I'm not much of a reader so I might not know what happens until the movie comes out.

I am really happy that you have had this chance to explore your creative side, reflect on your life, and begin to move forward from a difficult situation you have been put in. I have no doubts that you will emerge from this a stronger individual, and I for one am excited to see who that is.

Phil 1:3-6
SethO, I wish you nothing but the best buddy. The book sounds like a truly enlightening experience, great on you man.

All I can really say is a sort of motto I try to live by, "Endeavor to Persevere", through thick and thin its a truth that will always be.

Thinking of ya bud.
Really sorry to hear about your work situation. I hope that things begin looking up for you. I have always wanted to write a book but sadly, my life is pretty boring and I doubt that I would read a book about myself. Keep in mind that:

'There is not one among us in whom a devil does not dwell, It is not having been in the Dark House, but having left it, that counts.'
Theodore Roosevelt

All the best in the future!
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I know its cliche, but the night is always darkest before the dawn. Karma will treat you well.
Seth, good luck on your book and congrats on the new job!!!
Thanks for all the kind words guys! This is just a short period in my life where I can't really afford anything extra than to just be alive, but you should see me at the next outing. I would also like to thank all the people that bought my old equipment because you helped me buy my new stuff that I could not have otherwise got. Thank God for Burner Tour balls and the fact that they only cost $21 per dozen (I think I can splurge 10 more dollars for the Practice Penta's next time I am in Atlanta).
Seth, you are good guy and have tons of good things ahead of you. Best wishes, bud.
Wow! You took a bad situation and made it into something positive. I wish you the best of luck in writing your book. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your life with us.
Seth0, sorry to hear about your past in this way. I can completely understand and relate. It sounds like you have found a nice sounding board and good use of your time! AND congrats and best of luck on your new gig! I'd be interested to read this story.
We are all thinking of and with you Setho. Congress on the new job and book.

Can't wait to read the book Seth. You are a very talented young man. You know Ole Gray and I love ya to pieces and will ALWAYS be there for you. You are family to us.
Seth, I'm proud of you for taking control of your life and for following your dream. I hope you decide that if your book doesn't get published to self publish it. There are many people who would find something in common with your central character. It really is true that sometimes, when a door is closed a window is opened.
Good luck with the book, Seth, and I hope you get it completed by September!
Best wishes Seth, I hope you finish the book - it sounds very much worth reading and congrats on the new Job!
Good stuff Seth. I am happy to hear that you are starting down a new path. I am also trying to get a germ of an idea for a graphic novel going but it is a tough thing to start. Good luck in all your endeavors.