
Yes, this forum will offer you so much in terms of knowledge, good conversations, incredible people to play with (if possible), amazing events to enter, and just a whole lot more than anything I have seen out there.
:welcome: Happy to have you with us, sir.
Welcome to THP!!
Welcome aboard! THP is a really great place to be.
Welcome to THP. I hope you enjoy the forum.
No major differences per se. It's more their terminology. I also think they tend to take their a little more seriously, but in a more relaxed manner....if that makes any sense.

British have a knack for understating things - that can come off as nonchalant. But inside - they're grinding like the rest of us!

Welcome to THP (again) - well stated. It's a good place to hang & immerse yourself in golf.
Welcome! THP is definitely the best golf forum around!
:welcome: Happy to have you with us!
Welcome to thp walt!
Welcome to THP and enjoy the show
Welcome aboard!
Welcome to THP!
Always a pleasure to tell a new member :welcome: