Questions about e6 software


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2015
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Apologize if this is covered but my search-fu failed me. I am trying to dial in the useful parts on the sim that uses E6 and cannot find the below anywhere and could not find this topic in the forums.

On the e6 software, using the driving range, some things are obvious...the round dots in a straight line are 25 yard differential with red being 100, blue 200, yellow I think 250,. Good. But I do have several questions about things I see

- are the width also 25 yards? Perspective is weird to me and does not looke like it but it seems most logical it would be. If I say...hit a ball to the white dot one left of center at 150, did I miss by 25 yards left?

on the "averages" portion of the screen when it totals all your shots, what do the following things mean
- Direction (the right/left is obvious) is this how many yards it ended up right or left? or something else
- Deviation (impact) is this the start line how far left/right you started? or something else?
- Dispersion (Impact) same question

Basically I am trying to determine how much the following shot missed by as one example. Second 9i
2.9 inside out, 1.0 closed, 17.4 launch, 159 carry, and ended up near the first dot left. Did I miss that by 10 yards or by 25?

Final question: I can't figure out how to email a session to myself. Trying to build dispersion patterns using that. If I can get a top down of where the balls ended up it would make it much easier.
May have to revert to my Mevo Plus which now has them but if I can use the ones from the sim, it has some numbers I prefer to get.