Cant do that here ,🇦🇺 the printed note is of polymer origin ( apparently one of the most difficult notes too counterfeit due to , it integral identifying measures.)
Same deal up here. Best part is they can go through the wash without a disaster.
Same deal up here. Best part is they can go through the wash without a disaster.
Money laundering is generally frowned upon in our house 😆
Money laundering is generally frowned upon in our house 😆
Mine somehow ends up in the hands of the opposition .. she claims, possession …. Like Robinhood , l rob from rich and give to the poor ie : me 😁😁
Mine somehow ends up in the hands of the opposition .. she claims, possession …. Like Robinhood , l rob from rich and give to the poor ie : me 😁😁
And that’s another prohibited area , unauthorised use of washing machine , and non approved settings lol. though somehow miraculously l use it and hang stuff out on line and fold and return …rebellion has hope ……..said every Jedi :oops:
How small is a molelcule? A molecule of water is 2 Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom. If you drink a half liter bottle of water, you have consumed more molecules of water than there are half liter bottles of water in all the world's oceans!
I think that you have a gap about as small as a molecule! In other words, not much! GOOD LUCK!
Alan Rickman’s first movie role was Hans Gruber in Die Hard 🤯🤯🤯
The slang term "thicc" comes from Crip gang culture. Crips will not use "ck" together in any word because it's an acronym for "Crip killer", so they replace the 'k' with a second 'c'. Hence, "thick" became "thicc".
That's also why they preferred BK sneakers. For them BK stood for Blood Killer!
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Basically learned through the news. Not like we're gang banging at your local country club!
My sister got a ticket for running a stop sign on the same day she was supposed to appear in traffic court for a ticket she got running the same stop sign, from the same cop.

Maryland drivers....🙄
Lightening strikes twice in same place ? ( lightening of funds ) lol
Reviving this to morph it into random facts about yourself.

warning for the squeamish…..

I have been living with multiple cactus spines in me for neatly 5 years. They are part of me now
Reviving this to morph it into random facts about yourself.

warning for the squeamish…..

I have been living with multiple cactus spines in me for neatly 5 years. They are part of me now
Do cacti grow from cactus spines?
Reviving this to morph it into random facts about yourself.

warning for the squeamish…..

I have been living with multiple cactus spines in me for neatly 5 years. They are part of me now
Bicycle mishap?
I never dream about golf….I read about it, watch it in all its forms, play at least once a week, practice in one form or another daily, I am golf geek, I build my own clubs, I understand the vast majority of all the components of the swing, I have learned about course architecture and even agronomy. Yet I never dream about it. Not that I can remember anyway. Very strange.
I have lost count at the number of bones I’ve broken? Then if I really think about it, does breaking the same bone multiple times (a couple ribs and my poor right collarbone has been 4-5 times). Id have to think and I don’t want to? 🤷‍♂️

Between combat sports, accidents, sheer stupidity, etc it is somewhere around 30. If you count multiple breaks of the same bone?
I have lost count at the number of bones I’ve broken? Then if I really think about it, does breaking the same bone multiple times (a couple ribs and my poor right collarbone has been 4-5 times). Id have to think and I don’t want to? 🤷‍♂️

Between combat sports, accidents, sheer stupidity, etc it is somewhere around 30. If you count multiple breaks of the same bone?

To quote @Snickerdog