Review Sacks Parente Golf Review


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Albatross 2024 Club
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Oct 8, 2008
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To understand Sacks Parente Golf, we must first give a little backstory. Their resumes are storied. Rich Parente was the co-founder of Callaway Golf. Steve Sacks co-founded Goldwin Golf. “Playing on rival teams” for years, there was a level of mutual respect in design.

Sacks Parente doesn’t make putters. They make putting instruments. The company was born in 2018 with a simple, but demanding premise. Have no barriers in the way of creating equipment that will allow every golfer to have more fun.

Being unique for the sake of being unique is not new in the golf industry. From bright colors and odd shapes, it is not hard to find something that is “different”. Being unique with a purpose, one that identifies a brand and makes a difference, is what Sacks Parente is all about.

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These are interesting. The ultra low balance point reminds me of the Bridgestone putters from a while back. But these are far, far better looking.
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These are interesting. The ultra low balance point reminds me of the Bridgestone putters from a while back. But these are far, far better looking.

And they really took it much further in the creation. As you can tell by the length and story, I very much enjoyed writing this because there is so much to tell.
These are interesting. The ultra low balance point reminds me of the Bridgestone putters from a while back. But these are far, far better looking.

And they lack the pool noodle grip haha
And they really took it much further in the creation. As you can tell by the length and story, I very much enjoyed writing this because there is so much to tell.

I really enjoy when someone takes a new/different approach. will It work for everyone? Probably not, but maybe there’s a subset of golfers it just clicks for. Really interesting stuff with moving the weight way down to the head and forward on the head.

And they lack the pool noodle grip haha

As any putter should.
Great article and read.

They def put these putters together with attention to all aspects of the "instrument."

At first I found the word "instrument" to be a bit stuffy, but after reading the article, I think I get what they are going for......the sound/feel. Like a musical instrument of sorts.

I'm a big believer in the sound/feel of a putter and its impact on one's ability to control and enjoy it. I've found that if you give me a putter that produces a sound that doesn't jive with me, my performance drops off. I struggle with distance control etc..

Would really be interested to try one of these some day.
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At first I found the word "instrument" to be a bit stuffy, but after reading the article, I think I get what they are going for......the sound/feel. Like a musical instrument of sorts.

I can completely understand that thought and I would tend to agree with you.
As you dive in (and hopefully this article helped do that), it really is about change.
Yeah. I need to roll one now. There’s much more going on than meets the eye. Great piece.
That is a lot of information to digest. Thanks for the very detailed review. These putting instruments certainly sound interesting and unique.
That is a lot of information to digest.

Haha. Yeah we got a bit longwinded on this one, but there is so much there, it just kind of flowed. :ROFLMAO:
Interesting back story for sure. Nice looking putters. Instrument is not going to stick in the market.
Pretty interesting look into the tech of those putters. The looks aren't my style but if I saw one I'd pick it up and try it just based on what I read.
That might be the most informative article written on THP! What a great article! You really captured what Sacks Parente Golf is about! I really like the looks of the Series 54 mallet with the Vernier Acuity lines on top! It’s definitely pricey, but, still reasonable because of all the technology, R&D, and high-end components that were detailed in the write up!
Wow lots of info to digest on this one. There is a uniqueness about them for sure.
Great article, JB. Having bought the 66 model and having rolled it for awhile all I can say that it is one great putter. If it wasn't for my Betti being just alittle better for me, I'd still be rolling the model 66 putter.
That was indeed a good read. Not a typical THP review, and very well written (so who actually wrote it, LOL). Definitely a high end putter with purpose. I wonder how well the vernier lines work with a triple track ball? This definition of vernier seems to really fit, "a small auxiliary device used with a main device to obtain fine adjustment." I love the look of the blade covers, but could not find the look of the mallet covers, but I assume they are equally stunning?
That was indeed a good read. Not a typical THP review, and very well written (so who actually wrote it, LOL). Definitely a high end putter with purpose. I wonder how well the vernier lines work with a triple track ball? This definition of vernier seems to really fit, "a small auxiliary device used with a main device to obtain fine adjustment." I love the look of the blade covers, but could not find the look of the mallet covers, but I assume they are equally stunning?

I definitely wrote it.

There is quite a bit of feedback in other threads on the forum about VA on a putter and using a Triple Track golf ball. Most really like the combination.
There is SO much to digest in this article.

The shaft you can't lean on (would be guilty lmao)
The audible presentation on contact.
The unique 'their take' shaping of familiar head styles.

Also, the price really surprised me. I expected it to be more.
WOW!! That was extensive. Thanks! I have peaked at these putter for a little over a year now. I think they are very interesting, just a bit too much $$ for me. The thought process behind them seems very sound though.
Could I see myself playing one of these? No.

Could I see myself wanting one of these? Yes.

They almost look to expensive to play.
WOW!! That was extensive. Thanks! I have peaked at these putter for a little over a year now. I think they are very interesting, just a bit too much $$ for me. The thought process behind them seems very sound though.

Thank you. There was a lot to dive into, and I really wanted to make sure everybody had the full story of the tech. From the weighting to the forward CG.
There is SO much to digest in this article.

The shaft you can't lean on (would be guilty lmao)
The audible presentation on contact.
The unique 'their take' shaping of familiar head styles.

Also, the price really surprised me. I expected it to be more.

The price was the most surprising to me (though if you go with one of the upcharge shafts you do start to veer into crazytown for prices). I will say that the shapes look really nice on the rack/behind the ball. They had a few in Club Champion and I was really impressed.
The price was the most surprising to me (though if you go with one of the upcharge shafts you do start to veer into crazytown for prices). I will say that the shapes look really nice on the rack/behind the ball. They had a few in Club Champion and I was really impressed.

Were you able to pick a few up and roll them?
Could I see myself playing one of these? No.

Could I see myself wanting one of these? Yes.

They almost look to expensive to play.

^ this LOL

Would love to game one, but I can only be so broke LOL
Great read @JB, and for a guy that started most of his military career in the Medical field, the word 'instrument" means a lot to me...i am genuinely intrigued
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