Smells - Favorite / Least Favorite

Love the smell of fresh bread

Hate the smell of cinnamon, like candles and stuff. It gives me a headache.

Favorites -
frying bacon
leaves burning in the Fall
coffee brewing in the morning

Least favorites -
liver & onions cooking
anyone else's fart - mine, of course, are a delight
decaying anything

As for cinnamon, I like it just fine when it's real cinnamon in or on real food. But, before the holidays, some stores will put these enormous bins of "cinnamon scented" pine cones outside. Get downwind of one of them and it will almost knock you to your knees! I couldn't imagine bringing one of those stinking things into the house! Should be a clue that the stores keep the things outside!
Although I don’t partake, I love the smell of that sweet stinky weed. Lol.

Favorites -
frying bacon
leaves burning in the Fall
coffee brewing in the morning

Least favorites -
liver & onions cooking
anyone else's fart - mine, of course, are a delight
decaying anything

As for cinnamon, I like it just fine when it's real cinnamon in or on real food. But, before the holidays, some stores will put these enormous bins of "cinnamon scented" pine cones outside. Get downwind of one of them and it will almost knock you to your knees! I couldn't imagine bringing one of those stinking things into the house! Should be a clue that the stores keep the things outside!
Everyone love’s their own brand! Lol
Favorite - my farts.
least favorite - someone else's farts.
Favorite- vanilla, cantaloupe, bacon

Least- cigarette smoke, dead animal, anything that produces methane gas
Favorites: Anise/Licorice plant on a foggy morning near the beach Where I grew up. Good coffee. My wife.
Least Favorites: Well, I work in an ER, so use your imagination (GI Bleed, Puke, CDiff poo)
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