Swing stretch trainer " The most important stretch in Golf"

Started yesterday with the lowest band and did the stretching as in the video, then 25 stretching reps and then about 25 full swings. It definitely gets you to come inside with the swing.
Then this morning after the regular stretches did the same routine and went and played, I saw immediately a tendency to draw the ball not pull it like normal with the irons and the Driver was quite long, not really any longer than usual but easier it seemed. I did see some added distance with the irons but just not taking half a backswing will make the ball go further, which is what I believe I was seeing. Not earth shaking results, just making a better backswing for the most part.

A small sample for sure and I intend to do it every morning since it only takes 5-10 minutes and is actually fun, not work like the Super Speed was for me and took 20-30 minutes to do it right. I am still pretty banged up with a swollen knee, ankle and left thigh but pain never stopped me before.
I have been using it everyday more or less since receiving it (some days just doing the stretch not the swing reps) and played twice, for the record I am not even at 75% due to recovering from some injuries to both legs but still able to do some work.

My feeling is after playing yesterday that it has helped me make a better turn away from the ball as intended which has lead to some pretty wild distance changes in the irons, in some cases I am seeing a full club increase and much higher ball flight even with the longer irons.

But the most impressive thing to me is I am not trying to hit the irons further or really to take a fuller backswing, it just seems to happen on its own (as it is supposed to be), my Driver distance seems to be down but I am not swinging the Driver nearly as hard as normal with the leg pain. I expect the Driver distance to come back over the next week or so as things get back to normal.
I could see how this reallly would not be much help to a younger person who is flexible and already makes a good turn, it is aimed at older people and I think it does exactly as intended for the over say 50 crowd.

It is low impact on the back and body, quick to use and requires very little space. I can do the stretches in my living room and probably could do the full swings but just go outside for that for fear of taking out the ceiling fan. Today I am going to do the drills with the stock band (very easy) then go up to the next level and see how that feels.