The Official Banter Away Thread

Couple items that are must haves on any vehicles I purchase moving forward:
- Heated Seats/Steering wheel
- Remote start
- 360° camera

When we move south this may change, but as it stands in Ohiotopia, these are must haves.

keyless ignition and grape coolers are at the top of my list.
My wife is awesome.
Also, we suck at waiting for Christmas lmao
it's what we had, which is exactly what she wanted.

This one just doesn't sound like it's taking off like the other one does hahaha
I want a new one. Mine if a simple "bucket" with a handle pull out kind. But all the new ones look so fancy that I feel like I need one.
Not sure this is the right thread. But here goes! How many times a day do all you check THP?
At work- when there's a lull in the day, or if there's a significant experience going on I'll stay here pretty much all day
At home- really depends on what part of the evening we're in- the unwind part, I spend just about the entire evening on here reading/interacting.
Not sure this is the right thread. But here goes! How many times a day do all you check THP?
I keep a browser open on one of my screens in my office most of my work day, when I am on Teams/Zoom/Conference calls, most of which I just have to have a presence on, I will post. So, most of the working day unless I am doing rounds or in clinical meetings.

Once I leave work, in the evening, it usually after 9pm and I will be off and on for most of the evening while winding down/answering emails/having a drink.
After school snack?

Don’t mind if I do.

It’s funny. When I first joined THP. It was right at the grandaddy time. I really didn’t understand things and I made a Cap’n Crunch joke in a contest as an entry. I thought I was being witty and funny. Maybe I was maybe I wasn’t I don’t really know.

@JB called me out and said something to the affect that this is way to big of a deal to make that kind of joke as an entry to be taken serious.

I have since been educated and understand.

Still love Cap’n Crunch cereal though..
I was born and raised in SoCal, lived there most of my life (except for a 3 year stint in Hawaii as a child), then moved to Arizona 14 years ago. I have no cold weather genes. If I was given a choice between the two extremes, I'd take 115° summers over freezing/snowing winters any time. The extreme heat gets old after a while too, but I absolutely hate being cold.
I don't know if there's a genetic component to it, but you for sure have lost your tolerance for the cold. When I was in the wine bidness, we would go to the Monterey Wine Festival every year to look for new wineries to represent. They were always held in February. One year we in NE Ohio were suffering through a particularly cold, rotten winter. We arrived in San Francisco and began driving south, stopping for an appointment at a winery on the way. The temp was in the low to mid 60's, a pure delight for us who strolled around in short sleeved shirts while the locals trudged about in parkas!

There was a housefly buzzing around in the tasting room and our host apologized for it. I told her that we hadn't seen one of those in months, so it was refreshing in a way. At another company we made a trip to the Napa Valley in August! It was 110 degrees every single day. But, at 25% humidity, it was no problem. Actually more comfortable than 90 degrees and humid back home. I really came to appreciate the wonder of dry air!
Within the span of like a day news breaks that Mark Cuban is leaving Shark Tank and selling a majority interest in the Dallas Mavericks. Stated reason for the former is to spend summers with his family before his 3 kids (@late teens) move out. That sounds suspiciously like a corporate line to cover for something else. I hope he isn’t having health issues.
Within the span of like a day news breaks that Mark Cuban is leaving Shark Tank and selling a majority interest in the Dallas Mavericks. Stated reason for the former is to spend summers with his family before his 3 kids (@late teens) move out. That sounds suspiciously like a corporate line to cover for something else. I hope he isn’t having health issues.
Hmm... that is odd.
laid down after work...fell asleep. Woke up 2 hours later a little confused.. LOL
laid down after work...fell asleep. Woke up 2 hours later a little confused.. LOL
I may have you beat... I sat down an hour ago and the TV was on Dancing with the Stars, I havent changed it and just realized 1. Ive never watched this and 2. I dont know why I am still watching this.