Top to Bottom - One Brand

I'm pretty close to all tour edge right now so I'd go there. Their woods and driver have been amazing for me, I love the wedges, and the new irons look really good. Only question would be a wingman putter which I haven't used much outside of a couple rolls in the store.
Probably going Titleist. Very solid top to bottom.
Mizuno. Based on the irons and FliHi. I could make the driver work, or not, since I hit the 2i FliHi nearly as far anyways. I’m sure I could find a putter that “works” for me since no putter works for me.
I'd go Cobra. While it's slightly biased from my Morgan Cup experience. Their clubs have been so good for me and I love what they're doing.
Callaway and it's not even close. Bonus that I get to use the ball, too.
I don't know if there's a brand that absolutely nails it for my personal likes top to bottom, but some are really close. Usually I've said Callaway or Titleist in the past on this one, but I'm going to say Cobra. I LOVE what they have done with their lineup top to bottom. The one area I don't have a crazy amount of recent trial time is with their wedges. But everything else...yeah I'm sold on what they have now and what they have in the future.
Callaway. I like their drivers and Odyssey putter options more than others. There is a ton of equipment that I like from other companies; I could see myself playing 3 or 4 OEM in my bag next year and other years.

But top to bottom and I only have one choice? Callaway edges out Cobra based on the plethora of Odyssey putter options.
In order my top 3 would be

1. Callaway
2. TaylorMade
3. Ping

The biggest challenge with smaller companies for a lefty is finding wedge bounces and grinds that you like. To pick on Wilson and Cobra for a moment. Both only offer 1 bounce and grind option. I really like both companies the lack of wedge options is not a deal breaker but it does give other companies a leg up.
I am torn between :callaway: and :titleist:, which are what make up my current bag. I am leaning heavily towards Titleist, because of the success Vokey and GT have given me this season. Plus, the Titleist folks at the Experience were just so great to be around it’s hard to not want to play their equipment. And I’d rather have a Scotty than an Odyssey. Unless I can have an older Toulon Odyssey…
Ive been spoiled by having opportunities on THP to have a full bag top to bottom of both Callaway and Cobra.
Ive also played Titlest top to bottom before ever coming on to thp.

In its current state.......Ill roll with Callaway. Just a billion options and combos to fit and play with. A close sceond for me is Cobra. been a few years. But, have always enjoyed their gear and their tech is right up there.
I am staying with Cobra, I was already playing cobra irons when I was fit into them.
Now that they have putters, A full bag is doable.

I can get along with everything in their lineup. At this point, Iam looking for forgiveness with distance - G440 irons. I like their wedges. I would miss my LAB but I could find a custom putter in the Ping Lineup. Just happy in the real world that I don't have to make this choice.
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First choice would be Callaway as they have been killing it with their releases. Love the Ai Smoke Max driver. Second would be Ping as I played them for many years prior to my hiatus from the game and when I got back into it.
Mizuno. Wouldn’t mind trying some titleist irons just to see if I could get along with them and get to keep my tsi2 driver.
1) Callaway. I'm just two wedges away from being there already. If my Vokeys were worn a bit I'd likely go Opus.

2) I would be fine with Titleist but it isn't even close because I'd rather not change.

3) I'm sure Cobra and Srixon and Ping and TM and PXG, Hogan and Costco all make fine clubs but I just don't want to put the time in. I also don't see a lot of effort put into putters vs my #1) and #2).
I'd have to go Callaway, love the Apex CB irons and Jaws Raw wedges.
For most of the past decade, I would have said Cobra hands down (excepting putter because they didn't make them.) In the past year as I've started to focus on another round of upgrades, I find myself liking TaylorMade more and more. Their clubs are just great performers. I recently tried out the Q10 driver and came away thoroughly impressed.
Callaway. I’m a homer for sure…
It's a toss up between Callaway & Titleist :unsure:

Forced to pick one…Callaway I suppose? These are the best of times and 14 new clubs from ANY of them would be epic. Assuming of course I’m not paying for them and am getting fit. Otherwise I’d probably stay ragtag bargain bin.
Go Away Do Not Want GIF
Cobra is my first choice. Love what's been released already, super excited for what's to come. I could play my 2024 Morgan Cup bag for a while and be very happy.

If you say I can't go Cobra then I'm leaning Callaway second.