What did you get for christmas?

I just got home from work and will be heading to the kitchen after a rest break. When I put them on later, I promise I will ask Mikey to take a pic and I will post it. I'm sure it will be a shoe-in for the cover of Vogue!! :quiet:

We want one of him as well--he mentioned his first.
We want one of him as well--he mentioned his first.

Now that could be a problem. I washed them before we wore them to make them "soft". I hate wearing anything out of the package---yuck!

My bottoms were very long, and needed hemming but I figured I would wait to see how much shrinkage occurred before I did that.

Well his shrunk TOO MUCH - I'm very sad because I went to 4 malls to find Canuck pj's.

As for mine, well the bottoms I spoke of shrunk like 6" - I have never in my life seen anything shrink that much - no need to hem mine now. Top if fine....his is another story.

So I wouldn't be looking for a pic of him in his anytime soon :angry::angry: