What did you learn in your last golf lesson?


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
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I assume you get lessons because there is a problem that you need help with. For the latest lesson you had, what was the problem, and did the pro say to fix it?
Was over a year ago and a short game lesson working out of thick rough. Was more of learning a better technique than what I was doing.
My first and only lesson happened back in the early 70’s. He told me I was picking the club up too quickly and I needed to extend my take away.
I haven't had a golf lesson in 18 years. What I learned in that lesson has long been forgotten. I had learned how to draw the ball. Now, I can't hit a draw no matter what I do.
I stole a tip for chipping on soft tight bermuda last time I watched a lesson in person. Just a little different wrist and path that utilizes the bounce in a slightly different way than I would have thought to, because it lifts the ball more than I generally do. I'm no expert on greenside bermuda quite yet, and I've used it to my advantage a couple times since then.
Opening up on downswing, Proper right side bend, technical downswing technique and working of arms.

Probably more of same tomorrow.
Last spring the pro I went to told me to set up with a little forward press on my irons and make sure I returned to that position at impact.
It has made a world of difference for me.
i had a lesson today! i've been working with this instructor since february. our initial work was focused on wrist positions at the top of the swing. that is still a work in progress, but lately we've also been working on the lower body in the backswing to maintain space and give me more time in transition.
Really how to hit the ball consistently.
Do you mind me asking what made you think you were OTT?

Initial movement of my hand path on video from dtl coupled with ball flight that tended to curve right. Basically I'd aim way left (especially with my shoulders) and hit pushes or push-fades onto target. Initial hand-path is either an illusion or idiosyncrasy - the instructor didn't make much of it.
My last lesson was just before COVID kicked off, and it was my first with that instructor. I learned that I had to really exaggerate my movements to get to where I needed to be. I had no idea how far outside the ball my club head was getting on takeaway, and getting it where it needed to be felt like a HUGE change.

Just today I booked another lesson with him for Halloween. I liked the guy a lot and hated that COVID killed my plan of doing a lesson a month.
Taking my first ever golf lesson next week. I’ll let you know if I learn anything.
I learned that I need to have a smoother putting stroke, I had gotten in the bad habit of "slapping" the ball on my putts, probably from feeling rushed. I also learned how to twirl my club after a good shot.:D:D
Last lesson: how to drastically improve my ball contact by going to a shorter backswing, while still managing to gain back the yardage I had lost.

At my fitting a month ago though, was told that I manipulate the clubhead too much during the swing, and it results in my adding too much loft at impact...... and I have no idea how to fix it lol.
I've never had a lesson in my life, unless it was a few tips from an Uncle who was a PGA "country club" pro pre-WWII, or instructional articles from Golf Digest back in the day when that publication was still a magazine worth reading!

Yesterday, my buddy and I were to scramble against his Sis and BIL. Two years ago we had to give them strokes galore. Last year, not so many. This year, they can compete on an even keel! Of course it helps that they spend their Winters in Florida and play every single day down there! They have improved dramatically!

Last time out, they actually beat us for the first time. We played like crap, and they played lights out. They were hitting greens and making putts like nobody's business!

Before the round yesterday, as I'm loading my clubs on the cart, my buddy tells me that there is no way they can be allowed to win! Why? Because his Sis went on Facebook and Twitter and bragged to high Heaven! That pissed him off! Plus he told me about his range session from the day before. He went out and bought a medium (70-80 count) bucket and proceeded to shank nearly every ball! All except the last few, when he felt he figured something out.

He imparted this info to me, and I made a few practice swings with it. It felt good to me, so I tried to incorporate it into my swing, despite the pitfalls of doing something like this immediately before a round, with absolutely no practice! Suicide, right? Not quite! I'll get into the details in another thread, but I, for the most part, hit the ball more solidly than I have all year! Mind you, I didn't make every swing perfectly. How could I? But I hit more "solid" golf shots yesterday than I have had in a while!

See you in another thread!
I learned that each time I learn something I forget something else. It's a constant struggle of thinking "OK, I got this" and then I come back next time and we're back on the previous thing I was screwing up. My most constant problem is lifting my right heel on the downswing which results in me hitting fat way too much.
We work on a few things that I struggle with. My feet need to stay more planted and sometimes I stand up a bit out of the shot. We are making progress and when I don’t do either of those I hit the ball Really well.
Worked in getting hands deeper in backswing to create some speed, getting taller on backswing (I tend to drop), and initiating swing with arms instead of body