Depends on the situation.

If I'm already buzzed and feeling great and just out for dinner on the weekend, I'm probably going with Inferno.
If I'm just having lunch at the clubhouse post round or having lunch/meeting during work, most likely Spark.
Blaze or bonfire
What is the the next one below cool?!
Bonfire but I would want to try the blaze and the inferno just to know.
Probably Spark or Bonfire. I like spice, but I also want to taste it.

I’d try any of them though.
Not knowing much about Nashville chicken I'd probably go in at spark and work my way up. Am pretty good with heat, but is fear of the unknown for me!
Always have to try the hottest to see how it compares to Princes. @JB which hot chicken joint is this from?
I actually don’t know. It was sent to me from a friend asking what they should get
I’d go Glow!
It's tough for me to choose without having some basis on how hot at least one of them is, BUT if I was going in blind I'd most likely start with Spark or Bonfire and adjust from there. I do like a good bit of heat but I don't want it to be painful!
I’d start with bonfire and head up from there. 🔥
Glow and work my way up next visit.
I made the mistake of getting 5 out of 5 stars at a Thai restaurant about 10 years ago. My wife made me stop eating it after my lips were swelling up and the tears were flowing at a good clip. I wish I could say I learned my lesson…..
If I was home I’d probably go Blaze.

If I was traveling for work and wasn’t sure about the bathroom situation in my future I would just get Glow.
Cool, but I would try the Glow. Spicy food just doesn't agree with me like it use to.
Spark or glow for me
I typically go bonfire level.
I think I would go glow. I am not a BIG spice guy, definitely don't like when it is hot just for the sake of being hot.
I'd do spark or bonfire.
I would go Glow at first....I like to taste the chicken part of the meal
I would start with Glow and go from there. I have been burned (pun intended) by going to high up the heat index at various places (I had a couple Thai food experiences that were miserable) so I got nothing to prove.