What's your style of play?


Albatross 2024 Club
Feb 13, 2019
Reaction score
I was pondering a round the other day, and started to think about how I approach each round. It was fun trying to put myself into a category of player, so I got curious about what others thought about their games. So...

How would you describe the way you approach a round of golf? Are you aggressive, conservative, calculated, or some other adjective? Go for hero shots, or take your medicine? Does it depend on the situation or who you're playing with? Let's hear how you would describe your style of play!
Aggressive that takes hero shots. Probably why my scoring is inconsistent.
Definitely used to be me, and while I had some fun shots, I also had a lot of frustration and big scores
Aggressive that takes hero shots. Probably why my scoring is inconsistent.

Pretty much the same here, I don’t play much and never practice so I go out there to hit great shots and forget about all the rest.
Usually fairly conservative, try to avoid trouble if I can.
Although, there are the rounds where I go after the hero shots but my mentality during those rounds is “Well, we call it “Whack F*ck” for a reason …..
Usually fairly conservative, try to avoid trouble if I can.
Although, there are the rounds where I go after the hero shots but my mentality during those rounds is “Well, we call it “Whack F*ck” for a reason …..
I think the fairly conservative fits the round we played together. Conservative and consistent!
Intersting topic, and not to put too fine a point on it or be too wishy washy at times, all of the above. I can blow up a score trying to make a hero shot or play so conservative that I make bogies and a few pars - the score is better (usually), and I end up satisfied - I guess, but I always feel there are or were 3-6 shots that I should have done better at, maybe left a putt just short or should have not tried to hit the perfect iron instead taken a 6 (vice a 7) and just made a smoother shot - I guess I am moving from aggressive to conservative and trying to be consistent.
Conservative. I do not want to turn a bogey into an "other"

If I am playing poorly and a decent score is no longer attainable I will go for the hero shots.
Intersting topic, and not to put too fine a point on it or be too wishy washy at times, all of the above. I can blow up a score trying to make a hero shot or play so conservative that I make bogies and a few pars - the score is better (usually), and I end up satisfied - I guess, but I always feel there are or were 3-6 shots that I should have done better at, maybe left a putt just short or should have not tried to hit the perfect iron instead taken a 6 (vice a 7) and just made a smoother shot - I guess I am moving from aggressive to conservative and trying to be consistent.
I definitely understand fitting into different categories. Some rounds you just feel good, so you can be aggressive. Or sometimes the course dictates you play it mostly conservative.
Situational for sure. In team events when we have other options than my score I'm more likely to be Aggressive and take some hero shots, always fun when you pull them off. Otherwise I'd say I try to make my game "SMART". Basically if I'm laying up I pick a club that removes trouble, if that's not an option then maybe I might as well go for it. Same with targets, I try to account for dispersion of a 13 HC when picking a target and avoid sucker pins.
Probably more conservative and then if I feel I'm playing well - I get a bit calculated. There's still a part of me that doesn't believe I'm a good golfer and can hit "x" shot because too often I'll plan the shot out and then shank it, or hit it fat, or whatnot. So I'm more focused on Fairways and GIR's versus "going low."
I'm fairly wild off the tee, with a better iron game and a passable short game.

So.... JT
Minus the actually being really good part
Hit the ball. Chase the ball. Hit it again!
I try to always have a full swing shot. I sacrifice a few balls off the tee to the golf gods of the woods, but for some reason they do not smile on me very often.
Aggressive but calculated I guess?

I definitely try a hero shot here and there, but off the tee I hit to a number if possible
I'd say conservative but with some caveats.

It depends on the day. I will hit what is working off of the tee. If my driver is working out well, I will hit it on most holes. if not, the 3w and 3h come out. Approaches I will aim for the center of the green if there is a lot of trouble, and I will try to err long or short depending on pin and hazard locations. Chipping is a bump and run unless short sided or an obstacle is in the way. Other times, it is fun to just be aggressive and see what happens. Mixing it up is fun!
Conservative, but calculated. If I'm hitting the ball well I'll bite off a little more and be aggressive on some shots, but if it's not a stellar ballstriking day I'll keep it as safe as possible. The third part of my style of play is "Erratic", so sometimes even conservative and calculated doesn't help! I think my course management is pretty solid, I just don't always hit what I'm aiming at.
I tend to be able to plot my way around a course fairly well. I wouldn’t say I’m overly aggressive. I guess it shows in my scores as they are generally fairly consistent these days.
I was pondering a round the other day, and started to think about how I approach each round. It was fun trying to put myself into a category of player, so I got curious about what others thought about their games. So...

How would you describe the way you approach a round of golf? Are you aggressive, conservative, calculated, or some other adjective? Go for hero shots, or take your medicine? Does it depend on the situation or who you're playing with? Let's hear how you would describe your style of play!
I try to figure out what shot will put me in the best position for the next shot. Then I try to execute as well as possible.

Due to the limitations of my game, there really isn't a lot of room for heroic or even aggressive play. I pretty much have to just plod around the course from Point A to Point B and try to gain a little ground by putting well when I finally get on or around the greens.

I aspire to being good enough to actually face risk/reward decisions during a normal round. In reality, the goal on any given shot is usually pretty darned obvious and it mostly involves simply executing well rather than trying to manufacture anything special.
I will ease myself into a round, well past the stage of hero shots. I can get aggressive if playing really well but generally just conservative all the way around.
I guess I would say calculated for me, I will weigh up the shot in front of me and make the decision based on how well I am swinging the clubs that day - if that means I can be aggresive, then I will go for it, or I will be a bit more conservative and play the high percentage shot I am comfortable with

If it is a casual round with nothing to worry about, then I will try the hero shots to see how well I can pull them off in case I need it during a competitive round
I am conservative a fairway and greens kind of guy. I try to take big numbers out of play. I am not long so I can’t be super aggressive about going for things. I also generally target the fat part of the greens. On my course I am short a lot because long is always bogey or worse. I definitely think about where the miss should be.
Calculated, and then aggressive.

From the outside I look extremely aggressive off the tee and from trouble, but I make math based decisions, and then try to execute on feel. I've been told I have a general disregard for hazards.

It definitely changes a little based on the company/competition. Just having fun I'll try almost anything. When it really matters I'll avoid a big score a little more.