Would you save your bag?


Lacking competent adult supervision
Albatross 2024 Club
Mar 7, 2014
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I was reading in another thread about whether THP'ers had lucky items in their bags and it got me to wondering if someone would risk their life for their bag or what is in it. I came up with the scenario below... there are lots of holes in it and ways around to get the desired results, but the sentiment is there...

Would you intentionally put yourself in danger's way to save your golf bag?:confused2:

Scenario: Your golf bag and everything in it is at the bottom of a 15' deep water hazard. :eek: How it got there doesn't matter. Where the hazard is doesn't matter. The hazard is a known hang out for something or someone dangerous... boa constrictor, salt water crocodile, alligator, hippopotamus, territorial fisherman/woman that is armed and extremely dangerous, angry otter, mammoth snapping turtle, enormous pike, magic carp, irritated gyrados... whatever. It's something that can put a serious hurting on you or kill you if it were to catch you. The angry otter is on steroids and is mutated from radioactivity so it can hurt you if it caught you.

There is no boat. There is no rope. There is no grappling hook. There is no fishing tackle.

It is just you and you are unarmed

Would you put your life in harms way to get your golf bag? If so, what would you want to recover?
Absolutely not. I like my current set up a lot, but I can buy everything that is in my bag.
I would probably give it a shot. Back in the last 80's I lived in the country in Southwest Ok and my neighbor called me at my parents, my house was on fire. I broke into a front window and got my Clubs, tools, some clothes and Family Pics before it got to hot and the fire department stopped me, so water? yep I'm going in

I was also single then and did not have someone screaming at me to not do it....so there's that
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The way the hypothetical is posed, no. I am not swimming with hippos or salt water crocs for material possessions, only to save another life.
Nope. With a couple of exceptions, it's stuff that can be replaced. And the stuff that can't be replaced is dear to me but not worth chancing the peril described in the OP.
Nah man hard pass. I love golf and would dearly miss my custom Recoils, but I'm not risking death for them.
Pop the caddy in the nose for throwing your clubs in there...and then throw him in to get them?

the amount of danger in one water hazard! Nope!
lmao.. im giving it a hard thought. besides my golf equipment the only things in my bag would be keys, wallet, phone, that stuff is replaceable. ultimately no im not going in after it.. although id probably go rent a backhoe and pull my sh!t out.
No I would not. I am not for taking big risks.
boa constrictor, salt water crocodile, alligator, hippopotamus, territorial fisherman/woman that is armed and extremely dangerous, angry otter, mammoth snapping turtle, enormous pike, magic carp, irritated gyrados...

I would go after my putter since it is a family heirloom, but leave the rest.

Boa, crocodile, hippo: I'm not winning those fights and will let it go.
Alligator: I will wrestle it if my friend is there to assist.
Territorial Fisherman: Take them down Rambo style.
Angry otter: I too eat snacks off my belly, we could find common ground.
Giant Turtle: Flip it on it's back.
Pike: It would hurt, but not a killer.
Carp: See above
Gyrado: Their weakness is rock and I have a pretty good arm.
Nooooope. That bag deserves what it got!
Hard no. I can replace anything in that bag with money
No way, no how. Not going in there to get a bag.
Doubt it. Nothing in my bag that I care about that much.
Nope, going to let that baby go

Definitely not. That’s the perfect excuse to guy spend a ton of money on new clubs!
Nope I go get new equipment. Frankly I would welcome the chance to get new stuff.