More annoying Caddy lineup vs waggle


Sep 26, 2012
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Let hear it, what's more annoying: The caddies lining up the women of the LPGA tour on EVERY shot, or the excessive waggle?
I'll go with the waggle...
Im a fan of the waggle.
The waggle isn't an epidemic like the line up is so I'll go with the line up. Although, I never see them reset so it seems to be just add some confidence that they're pointed in the right direction. If they start constantly stopping to readjust then I'll have more of an issue with it.
I don't mind the waggle. So I'll say caddie lineup.
Caddie line up, I personally don't mind the waggle
Caddies need to let the golfers do their job. Just give them the numbers and club and get out of the way.
Caddies need to let the golfers do their job. Just give them the numbers and club and get out of the way.
The player wants the caddie to line them up.

Neither one annoys me
I find myself talking to the golf channel quite often, saying "will you just swing already!" I know golf is a mental game and preppie have certain "quirks" to get them focused, but there has to be some limit I would think.
If the caddy is allowed by the rules to line them up, then I have no problem with it. If the powers that be don't want it happening, they can put it in the rules.

Neither annoy me. Slow play in general annoys me though, and it's rampant on all tours.
The caddy lining up the player and it's not even close.
Neither for me.
Am I odd that neither bother me?

Edit: guess not
The caddie lining up players on ANY tour!
Only the waggle that seems to go on forever.
I'm more annoyed by the player that needs complete silence and stillness to start addressing his ball.
I like me some waggle, caddie lineups drive me bonkers
Neither the waggle or caddies lining up bother me. As long as it doesn't hold up play I'm ok with it. Have caddies on the LPGA tour always lined up their players ? I guess even the pros need help in alignment.

Sergio certainly was annoying with his waggle and is annoying with just about everything else he does.

I honestly don't watch the LPGA other than maybe highlights a few times a year on the Golf Channel so I don't have enough information to have an opinion.
Neither bothers me
Seeing caddies on the LPGA Tour line up Putts drives me crazy! As much as I like Lydia Ko, asking her caddy to line up her putts is annoying.
I don't know why the caddy lining up a player bothers me so much but I can't stand it, I dispise it lol.
Lining up every shot for me.