What is your preferred iron profile?


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Albatross 2024 Club
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Jan 20, 2010
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Title says it all, was curious to see how many different types of replies we get.

I know everyone has their personal preference, what is yours, why is that?
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I personally lean towards the new "blended" type irons we are seeing. Players traits with more GI tech melded in. I'll be the first to admit I cannot stand looking down at an SGI iron, its just the way I am.

Sets like the CF16, F5, F6, etc really are ideal for me in what I like to see in my bag long term shape/size wise.
Look no further than the I series iron. The Apex CF fits that mold.
I fall into the same area Jman. I love that blended look becasue it inspires confidence yet performs as more of a players club and doesnt limit shot making at all.
Yep, for me, the CF16 fits the mold perfectly. I love the size.
Before owning the SpeedBlades i would have answered this saying a Muscle Back is my preference. Boy has that changed. I think the best profile ive seen in a while was the Apex Pro 16 or the Cobra FlyZ+ Forged. I think if i had to pick an ideal set profile wise it would be Apex CF 5 and 6 iron, Apex Pro 7-AW
Ping i25... that is my perfect iron.
I prefer the smaller compact heads. My least favorite thing to look at in an iron is if the toe of the iron seems like it's excessive. I like a thinner top-line, but it's not nearly as important to me as the length of the head.

One of my favorite heads of all time is the Titleist 990B. Often wish I would have never sold mine and also contemplate buying an older set off ebay from time to time.
I'm still playing the Speedblades and think they look pretty good. I don't want something super small as it's kind of intimidating for me but also don't want to look down at a super chunky profile. The Speedblades seem wider but not too crazy to me. I'd say confidence inspiring haha
I've still yet to swing an iron that gives me the feels when I look down at it like the J40 DPCs. Looking to try the J15 CBs and Apex CFs at some point this year.
Whatever gives me the best results? Hahaha, I have no qualms looking down at a SGI iron.

For overall looks, performance, and forgiveness - nothing has done better than the Apex for me.
I prefer a players looking iron with minimal offset, thin top line and as much forgiveness that can be packed in the club. Also, the head has to be black or chromed

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I like the compact, muscle back irons with mediumish top line.
I love it guys, keep it coming, its a fun convo.

I should have added this, more focused on the design traits (size/shape/sole/etc) than just a specific iron. More fun that way haha
Love my Mizuno 850 Forged. Loads of forgiveness, and great distance from the boron. Heads not too big, but not so small it's hard to hit.
I prefer the look of mid sized cavity back. Gives confidence but doesn't look like a shovel. If I grabbed a true blade or MB I would probably be very intimidated.
I love it guys, keep it coming, its a fun convo.

I should have added this, more focused on the design traits (size/shape/sole/etc) than just a specific iron. More fun that way haha
How about finish? I was thinking about it just now and thought about how much I enjoy the darker finishes. I'm not a huge fan of shiny chrome. Pair that with the profile I enjoy and it's a match made in heaven.
I like a thin profile on the iron while looking down at it. I've played Mizuno blades and loved the look of them, but now the Apex Pro's I have in my bag meet my needs and looks, together. I'd love to have an iron with a more blade like look and forgiveness of the Apex line...but that's not in the cards yet.
I personally lean towards the new "blended" type irons we are seeing. Players traits with more GI tech melded in. I'll be the first to admit I cannot stand looking down at an SGI iron, its just the way I am.

Sets like the CF16, F5, F6, etc really are ideal for me in what I like to see in my bag long term shape/size wise.

That's where I'm at. I would even say I'm totally OK with even the chunkier side of that, Cleveland CG Black irons, for example. To me it has less to do with the top line than it does with whether the cavity can be seen out the back. If I'm looking at a 5 iron and I see the sole sticking out, that's too chunky for me. But anything short of that, the top line doesn't bother me.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that the industry is managing to make sleek looking cavity back clubs that could get mistaken for being much more player-y than they actually are. But I don't mind the farther side of the GI/SGI line, either. Full SGI just don't do it for me, aesthetically.
How about finish? I was thinking about it just now and thought about how much I enjoy the darker finishes. I'm not a huge fan of shiny chrome. Pair that with the profile I enjoy and it's a match made in heaven.

Made a thread on this one! GREAT idea.
As long as i cant see the cavity of the long irons i really dont mind any iron profile
Look no further than the I series iron. The Apex CF fits that mold.

Oh look, I'm in nearly complete agreement w/ ddec again on a club. How surprising...

But extending on this answer, I think that mid-sized w/ forgiveness profile is about perfect for me. I'd group the 545 with this as well, but I might give the nod to the PINGs because of how they added progression to the set with the i20 going forward. I'll gladly take that offset in my 4i and 5i, but i like less of it in the short irons. Likewise, I don't care if I can see the cavity in those clubs.

One thing I don't like in an iron is one that looks long for the rest of the profile. One that stands out to me here is the J15 DPF. I like almost everything about the club, but it just looks "stretched out" to me. If a club is longer, I want some more meat there. Going back to PING, I think this is why I prefer the G25 over the G30 on the basis of looks.
I personally lean towards the new "blended" type irons we are seeing. Players traits with more GI tech melded in. I'll be the first to admit I cannot stand looking down at an SGI iron, its just the way I am.

Sets like the CF16, F5, F6, etc really are ideal for me in what I like to see in my bag long term shape/size wise.

Think I am along the same lines