Does Waggling Bother You?

A waggle or two doesn't bug me but some guys get excessive with what they do. If they are slowing down the pace of play and in front of me then it drives me nuts

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Nope because we all have different idiosyncrasies...I stare at the ball completely still for way to long before I swing. Attempting and too often failing to get swing thoughts out of my head
Looks like I have a new strat for our inevitable #THPCallOut hahahahahaa

Go ahead, cause I'm thinking it will be more of distraction for you.
As long as it doesn't go on for way too long I couldn't care less what you're doing pre-shot. It's all a timing thing. If you take too long pre-shot, I'll probably get annoyed. I don't care if it's standing still or waggling.
Same here, waggle all you want, as long as it doesn't take too much time.
Not if its only a couple but if it gets out of hand im not happy.
No the waggle doesn't bother me. Long preshot routines bother me
As a guy who looks dumb standing over the ball nothing really bothers me.
Do what you gotta do man!
I waggle and no one has said anything about it.
You play your game, I'll play mine...if it helps you or is part of your routine, waggle away
Sometimes I'll waggle 2 or 3 times. It doesn't bother me what others do.

It DOES bother me if I'm getting ready to tee off, and someone behind me starts taking practice swings. I mean close enough to see them in my peripheral vision. When I hear that swoosh, I just stop and stare. Lol

So long as it isn't excessive (Blair, Keegan, etc.) I don't have any real issues with it.
Watching Blair at the Sony Open, and thinking about some of my playing partners weird habits, it made me think about how it can get a bit annoying to watch an intentional waggle as part of a pre-shot routine.

Does it bother you guys? Do you look the other way to distract? Does watching it on tour annoy you? Are you guilty of pointless waggles yourself?
I was guilty of unnecessary waggling once....

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Haha, no I think I waggle a bit myself...
It does not bother me ... with that said ... anything that creates a long pre-shot routine eventually bugs me ....
Another waggler here, so no it doesn't bother me
I get alittle annoyed but its not too bad neither. I waggle alittle personally
I been known to moonwalk, breakdance, and perform acrobatics on my way to each shot. Who cares?
But really...who cares? And why is a waggle pointless? That's how many stay loose and staying loose is key to good fluid tempo.
Doesn't bother me. Plenty to think about with my own game.
Doesn't bother me until it goes on and on..All for pre-shot routines as long as they don't take long.
I don't care what you do as long as you don't take too long. Too many practice swings get to me, if you just chunked the ball, the 10 practice swings you just took are clearly not helping.
It's not the waggle that bothers me it's the person who can't pull the trigger and just stands there for eternity before hitting the ball.
Don't waggle myself and watching others waggle doesn't bother me as long as its not excessive. Like many others here I don't like watching multiple practice swings. Just keep the game going without unnecessary delays.
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I was guilty of unnecessary waggling once....

hahaha I remember that...

"Is all that waggling helping"
"Okay then"

...and confirmed, the longer AMart eyeballs a shot, the worse he does.