Staring 40 in the face

I'll be 51 in a couple of weeks. I was too busy to really notice 40 but 50 got my attention. Not in any mid-life crisis sense, just blown away by the passage of time.

Used to be mistaken for much younger up to my mid 40's, not so much now. Still have a full head of hair, few wrinkles, decent shape, but those damned eye bags!!! People guess much closer now, oh well.

But why it will never bother me is because is was never my reflection in the mirror, D.O.B or number stamped next to listed "age" that represented who I was. I am who I am within my own mind.

As such, although I can function well within any environment, formal or otherwise, I am actually THE MOST immature person between his own ears, ever!!!

I mean, I just spent an hour recording while singing into my phone and making stupid voices. Teenage crap. Then I'd play it back and laugh like a kid. My wife and kids basically run out of the room when I try to play my latest for them. They're missing out.

I'm me, in this moment just as I have been for every moment. No matter how many moments have come and gone, I'll be the same onto the next.

Be you.