At work/home no club hip separation drills?


New member
Dec 29, 2015
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Any tips or suggestions on drills to do at the office to help with separating my hip turn from upper body?More like a pivot drill to help with separation of the two.Been working very hard in the mirror/hitting balls daily in my net.Need something to help with flexibility.Really learning the true secret to golf is the pivot outracing the upper body on way down.Please help if you can
I think the pro you're working with will be able to assist you. He is going to be your best source since he is teaching you your swing.
I was thinking about laying on the floor and stretching my body so my stomach and below faces targetward and shoulders point behind me.Kinda liken runners stance-drill.Holding this position for a few minutes to feel that stretch feel.The more I feel separation hitting the ball the straighter it goes.I hit a few shots today that I just for crushed on the course.And I felt huge separation of upper body staying back lower wide open at the hit zone
I was thinking about laying on the floor and stretching my body so my stomach and below faces targetward and shoulders point behind me.Kinda liken runners stance-drill.Holding this position for a few minutes to feel that stretch feel.The more I feel separation hitting the ball the straighter it goes.I hit a few shots today that I just for crushed on the course.And I felt huge separation of upper body staying back lower wide open at the hit zone

What I suggest is finding stretches to work on your overall flexibility and throw in some that are more golf-specific. The online search engines will be your friend here and by all means include stretching you might find on a yoga site, or a cross-fit site, or wherever. Flexibility is a necessary component to any sport. But by all means consult your instructor for drills, as he will likely have something in mind specifically for you.
You need to find stretches that are more static in nature to golf specifics. While the runner stretches work, your body will typically adapt quicker if it is in more of a golf specific pose.

My ole reliable for stretching and golf specific workouts is a guy by the name of Tyler Parsons. He works with Justin Thomas, Kenny Perry and Bud Cauley to name a few.

He has a YouTube Channel set up if you search Tyler Parsons Golf. i cannot find the specific link I am looking for but there is a stretch in the Full Golf Workout video which works on separation as well as one in one of the lower body section where you lay on your back with one leg up and rotate the leg till it is parallel to ground... the key being keeping your shoulders flat on the ground.

I might also recommend looking up foam rolling with specifics in the lower back, hip and hamstring. Alot of times tightness in these areas will also restrict the hips from separating