Jelly Bean Flavor


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Albatross 2024 Club
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Oct 8, 2008
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Ending of this is priceless.
Not for the weak


At Christmas this year my parents thought this would be fun to do as well. Lots of dry heaving from many other people. I got the tutti fruiti. ?
Ughhh. Guess I'm gonna stay away from the skunk spray. Poor guy looked like he didn't know what was happening.
Lordy, I feel sorry for the kid but there is no way I would even chance tasting something that tastes like skunk spray. I would probably do the same thing.
Hahaha wasn't expecting that! My kids just did this a few weeks ago, but nobody had that reaction!
Hahahahahahaha! Jelly bean - 18920475894275894, Kid - 0!
Some kids learn the hard way and some the easy way. I don't think easy is his style.
We have 2 boxes at home waiting for the kids to try! Still haven't cracked the plastic on them yet. The lawn flavor seems quite weird as well.
My son got this for Christmas, I stayed away...
Oh my goodness I wasn't expecting that.
And he seemed so happy at the beginning, haha! I looked up the prank flavors and there are some real nasty ones. Moldy cheese? That's worthy of what happened to that kid!

So damn was coming out of his nose. :bulgy-eyes:
Gag! I think he really tried the "Barf" flavor.
That video was nasty! I mean would eat a sh!t flavor jelly Bean or Belly button lent flavor?

Hahahahaha....that is too funny !
I bet the kid doesn't make that mistake again! Funny!
That's just nasty! I don't think I'd be willing to take that chance. Don't think I'd loose it like him, but why give myself the chance to?