Child inventor with a really good idea

That is a great idea! I pick up tons of broken wooden tees to use on par 3 iron shots and the supply is endless.
good for them. I can see that working well. I can even see people paying a bit more for those tees just for sake of going green. I can also see golf courses selling only them.
Great idea! The starch might get rather sticky when wet, though. Both in handling them and on the ground.

My first job out of school was in a plastics application development lab. One of the engineers was a golfer and talked one day about playing a course where they handed out tees made of a brittle plastic and filled with grass seed. Probably never caught on because if you think about it, most divots are on Par 3s, where the fewest full -length tees are used.
Wonder the durability, would a tee last more than 1 shot? If not and you need lets say 15 a round, if he can get them to the customer for like 1.50 a pack I would buy a pack before every round. I am sure if it catches on then courses would move to only these. This is pretty cool.
I love seeing stories like this.
Great idea, I imagine the fertilizer to be nothing more than nitrogen based. Either way a biodegradable tee would definitely be something I could get behind.
very cool! Id be into
I like this idea. I usually use broken tees that I find on the tee box. I also think that golf will increasingly come under attack by environmentalist zealots, and anything we can do to proactively to make courses more environmentally friendly will pay dividends.
Seem to me you could go even further and just vacuum form a tee comprised only of seed and fertilizer. After one hit its done but the whole thing just gets reabsorbed back into the turf.
He better rush to that patent office quick! This does seem to be a great idea, hopefully no one sees that and steals it from him before he can get there.

Going further, I could see courses mandating the use of them-just include it in the greens fees and everyone gets a bag of 18 to start the round. No mulligans. Would be impossible to enforce 100% compliance but even if they got 90% it would benefit everyone, especially the tee picking up dad:)
Good for him, that's a great idea!

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