Pro Tip: A thread where players can share tips and tricks they've pick up...


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Lincoln, NE
throughout the years.

Over the past few weeks I've been reading various threads and I realized that there isn't one thread that is dedicated to quick tips and tricks. Don't get me wrong, this message board is LOADED with wonderful and helpful information, but I thought it might be nice to centralize the information.

The main inspiration for this thread came from reading the thread that dealt with hitting from mats on the practice range.

With that in mind my first tip is this:

If all you have to hit from is mats here are a few things you can do to make the experience more "realistic".

1. Pour water on the mat from where you're hitting (about the size of a pancake). The water does a few positive things. First it lets you see the direction in which your "divot" is going. Second it feels more like a real shot as opposed to hitting off of hard pan or concrete. Finally, it keeps your clubs nice and clean. When the mats are wet the green carpet does not stick to the sole of your club. Just make sure you have a towel to dry the clubs off.
I had never heard that... that's great thanks.
That's a pretty brilliant tip...

To clean your practice golf balls, throw them in a bucket of warm water with a few denture cleaning tabs and let soak... will come out looking great and wont harm the finish
If you use a straight putter motion, stand in a moving box (with trimmed down sides) to practice your stroke... Stand so that your putter is almost touching the box then make your putting motion. If you touch the box you have gone to the inside.... Of course this only works if you use a straight putting motion.
That's a pretty brilliant tip...

To clean your practice golf balls, throw them in a bucket of warm water with a few denture cleaning tabs and let soak... will come out looking great and wont harm the finish

Ive done this before, works as advertised.
Hold the club like it's a parakeet
Not so tightly to kill & not so lose to let it go

tapin from my big as note 2
Range Finder Illegal in your club tournaments??? If you can see the pin clearly learn to do this trick taught to me by a old geezer.

Next time your on the course and you know the yardage, hold your arm straight out in front of you with your thumb pointing straight up and in line with the pin. Compare the size of the pin with the size of your thumb (or certain parts of your thumb), mark the size of the pin to some crack, scar, or other mark on your thumb. Notice, the farther away the pin is, the smaller the pin appears and vise versa.

This method takes some practice but if you work on it you will be shocked at how accurate it can be (Usually within 10 yards). Just keep doing it from a known distances and observe how large (or small) the pin is compared to the markings on your thumb. Then move to another known distance and repeat. Eventually you will have the system down.

For example on my thumb if the pin goes from my old scar (from a carving fubar) to the crease at my joint the flag is ~140 yards out. Bigger means Im closer, smaller means Im further. If the pin only goes from my scar to my thub nail Im ~ 180 yards out.

Note for this to work you have to be able to see the entire pin.