iPad and swing analysis software

Fantastic thread. Gonna download the software and use my flip camera to look at my swing on my computer.
It's a universal application, which means it's made to be used on the ipad and the iphone, it shouldn't be stretched, those are applications that are made for the iphone but can be run on the ipad.
I'm not sure, Kev, which shouldn't be surprising. Can you tell from this? All I see it saying is it's "compatible" with the phone, the pad, and the pod.

Find this interesting App: ezcapture.i-m-apps.com

Anyone has idea?
My Daughter has an iPod touch and I have an ipad2. I downloaded the $4 app on her iPod touch and got it for free when I logged onto my iPad. You can get it for both if you use the same login name on both. You can film yourself with the iPod touch then easily transfer it to the iPad. V1 works great with the touch and iPad"
This is really cool on the Ipad when you can do side by side comparisons and draw lines on a decent sized screen.
Ary those videos were great! I've been debating on grabbing a tablet and this helps me think I should get one
I agree with Snypa13. I used the side by side comparison and overlay this weekend (with Susanne Peterson) to figure out why I was coming over the top. I never realized that had the shaft so vertical on the downswing until I saw it on the ipad.