what do you do when Comparing Numbers on Sims when looking to UPGRADE

what do you do when Comparing Numbers on Sims when looking to UPGRADE

  • Just see which club goes the farthest and buy it.

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Albatross 2024 Club
Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
Parker, Colorado, United States
With all the talk about hitting new equipment looking for signs of improvement from numbers...do you bring your gamer with you to get a baseline?
Is it something you go off memory or previous fitting numbers or what you expect to see?
How about bringing your gamer ball with you for this comparison of clubs?

When I go to see about a new club being better for me than what I game, I always bring my gamer with me to get a baseline for that days session on the sim. I also try and bring one of my balls that I game most often as it always seems to be less than stellar balls in the bays. I can get a good baseline with the balls that are in there and go from there if needed. If that is the case...I will always clear out the other balls to the side so that I'm hitting the same ball every time.

Your thoughts?
I bring my clubs and b330 if I'm really serious.
If it's a driver I'm looking at ball speed, Spin, launch, and carry distance. I'll try to hit my gamer golf ball if I can
I always bring my current driver to have a direct comparison. I don't always have my ball on hand, but I usually have the clubs in the trunk so I bring a glove and ball with me.

I find even from Golftown to Golftown the monitors can vary so much. Without a baseline I don't even know what people are looking at.
I always bring my current driver to have a direct comparison. I don't always have my ball on hand, but I usually have the clubs in the trunk so I bring a glove and ball with me.

I find even from Golftown to Golftown the monitors can vary so much. Without a baseline I don't even know what people are looking at.
If I'm just going in to get some swings and compare stuff I'll hit the available balls. When it comes to giving up some green backs...my ball will show up.

When hitting the Sub Zero and having a couple of their employees watch they actually went and grabbed a sleeve of balls to use instead.

I didn't say anything when they brought them...but I knew they were too low compression and would see some odd numbers. Still had a base line with my gamer though. Didn't want to sound all #internetgolfer and ask for some B330...haha.

I'll have my gamers on the next trip to narrow down if a purchase will be made.
I may pick up the driver i'm currently gaming and see what the numbers read in relation to what I know I normally hit mine on the course. I base my other numbers on other clubs by how much it was either on or off with my test club.
I'm thinking more just go and hit the latest and greatest without knowing if it truly is that...for them. One goes out and gets on a sim that is pumped and combine that with the feedback being given and jump. Maybe not for those around THP a while...but what I've seen in conversation with those giving the demos...it is prime for them.

Can you look in the mirror and say I gave it apples to apples? Marketing is grand and can overcome the bubble of those wanting better. I really don't think many take their gamer with them and their ball to get the best comparison outside of THP. Then you look at all the press THP gives (rightfully so in most areas) and we go out and hit a club and think WOW...it is all that.

Do you actually take your gamer...ball...set the mark...and go from there? Tell me you do or don't...I just think one is doing a disservice to themselves if they don't take what's known and set that as the mark. For better or for worse...you know where you stand and can make a sound call. Marketing is a sales pitch...can you catch it...more importantly can you hit it better?
In the past I've always gone and tried things to see what the numbers were. I know where I usually am and what ideal would be.

That being said, I found out this weekend that there is a difference of 10 mph ball speed with my driver when switching from the junk range balls to several different make/model quality balls. So I think from here on out I will be bringing my normal golf ball with me. I think this will result in me sticking with one make/model golf ball for a longer period of time.
In the past I've always gone and tried things to see what the numbers were. I know where I usually am and what ideal would be.

That being said, I found out this weekend that there is a difference of 10 mph ball speed with my driver when switching from the junk range balls to several different make/model quality balls. So I think from here on out I will be bringing my normal golf ball with me. I think this will result in me sticking with one make/model golf ball for a longer period of time.

We've seen in a few threads about how much the ball makes a difference being right for the individual. I think it goes above that...and below that...making one's own decision based on numbers and being fit. Now add in a new club/shaft/ball combo and it can go off the charts. Can go either way...good or bad, but it goes and multiplies if one doesn't have what's known to them. Sims are a beotch and can be both a good and a bad if the base isn't set. I like your thoughts in your other thread and can agree as I've seen some crazy things just jumping in a sim and smacking balls.
there was a guy the other day demoing a driver. He had a decent swing and was getting the ball out to 280 carry..... Then came 50 yds roll. He'd turn around and say "Damn i cant hit it any better than that! I usually hit about 320 but this is longer!" Hahaha. When it was my turn to hit, I promptly made sure the monitor software was set to sea level and conditions changed from extra firm. Haha. It really validates that you really need to take your gamer in to get baseline
I bring my gamer for comparison. I don't feel the ball is necessary, as long as I'm using the same ball with both clubs.
We've seen in a few threads about how much the ball makes a difference being right for the individual. I think it goes above that...and below that...making one's own decision based on numbers and being fit. Now add in a new club/shaft/ball combo and it can go off the charts. Can go either way...good or bad, but it goes and multiplies if one doesn't have what's known to them. Sims are a beotch and can be both a good and a bad if the base isn't set. I like your thoughts in your other thread and can agree as I've seen some crazy things just jumping in a sim and smacking balls.

I've seen so many common ideas go out the window for me/my swing that I'm trying to get in to see Club Champion while the holiday deal is still going just to get new baseline numbers. If I can get it scheduled I still have the dilemma of picking a golf ball to bring along.
Unless I KNOW I'm going to be somewhere specifically, then I'll bring my gamer...but...I'm far enough away from a retail simulator that I just go with what they have and base it off of what I know.
I always bring my gamer, but only remember a ball about half the time. Also, I make sure I know about the launch monitor to know what it measures. For example, I know the GolfTown monitor only measures ball speed, launch angle, and spin. The guys there either lie or have no clue too...they say it measures every one of the dozen shown numbers; I believe it is against the laws of physics for every shot to have a 1.45 smash factor lol. So I hit my gamer a dozen times until consistent, then compare the 3 measured numbers only. Carry distance I might glance at too, but only as a comparable, not a number I believe if I were playing outside.
Thanks for the input everyone...and taking the poll.
If I know I am going to look at a certain club I will bring my gamer that I am looking to replace so I can see both sets of numbers.