When it comes to golf accessories, we have always reviewed products based on certain criteria. Does the product work? Is the item well made? Will THP readers use the product? These are the typical questions that we ask ourselves when doing reviews. But never did we think we would also include “Is the product fashionable?” into a golf glove review. Until Now! GloveIt is a company that changed all of that for us when we first got a taste of them a few years ago.
The Hackers Paradise gets a lot of requests for reviews each week, but when this one came across our desk, we had to jump on it. So we contacted GloveIt and they were delighted to be included in our reviews. Let me give you some background on the company before we get into the actual product.
With a passion for fashion her entire life, Karen Lovcik took her idea from a girls, golf outing and created Glove It, LLC, fulfilling the need for functional, yet fashionable, golf accessories. Glove It is the leading manufacturer for Women’s and Junior’s fashion golf accessories. Their collection includes quality Cabretta leather golf gloves, visors, accessory bags, neoprene water bottle covers, club covers, and shoe bags. Glove It is the exclusive golf licensee for renowned fashion designer, Nicole Miller. The Nicole Miller Golf collection rounds out the product line with their unique “conversational prints” consisting of martinis, a Warhol inspired golf print, women’s accessories, and the award winning Pink Ribbon Collection. It was the Pink Ribbon Collection that won best new product at the 2005 PGA Merchandise show in Orlando. Additionally, Glove It is a proud sponsor of Rally for the Cure and together they support the mission of Susan G. Komen for the cure. Glove It donates a minimum of $10,000 per year to the fight against breast cancer.
First off, we are huge fans of products that match to create a set. This is something that GloveIt does amazingly well. Each glove can also be ordered with visors, bags, headcovers, water bottles, etc… That is a great idea and something that makes us definitely want to have multiple sets depending on our outfit that day.
But in this review we will focus on the gloves. They have an amazing assortment of styles and were kind enough to send a few over.
Once the box was opened up we were delighted to realize just how nice they were. Each glove set comes with its very own “Glove Bag”. Not sure if I would actually use this, but it is a nice touch either way. The arrival of these gloves could not come at a better time seeing as though there is a women’s golf clinic at our local club on Saturday mornings. We packaged up the seven gloves that came over and went over to the course.
We handed out the gloves to the participants at the clinic and the response was overwhelming on how much they liked the style. I was sporting the Black Clear Dot glove pictured above. The picture just does not do this one justice.
But style will only get you so far in the golf accessory world. So how did they perform is the real matter at hand. After the range session with the clinic the overwhelming response was that they were preferred to their traditional gloves based not only on style but on the fact that they are a little more thin and therefore allowed for more feel. One thing that came up with two of the ladies is that the glove fit far better than a traditional glove for people that have long finger nails. Personally, I too preferred the thinness of the glove but was very skeptical about durability. THP can happily report that these gloves are quite durable. In fact we have been using them for some time now and they show no sign of wear.
Overall we really like the product. It is well made, durable, stylish, and it functional. The last thing we like to see is price point. We are happy to report that the price is where we would like it to be. The MSRP on these gloves is $19.95 with the Nicole Miller gloves going for slightly more at $27.99. The Nicole Miller gloves are a little out of what I personally would spend on a glove, but designer name usually means a little higher price point and we are fine with that. To read more about GloveIt products check them out at GloveIt. GloveIt can also be purchased at quite a few retailers including Golfsmith.
One thing we would like to add is that when we tried to purchase these gloves after the review from their website the shipping costs seemed really high. USPS shipping was over $11 for just a single glove. However they are doing a promotion that gives you 40% off so it seemed to even out quite a bit. But if you have many golf items to purchase, they do offer free shipping with $50 spent. Of course you can always pick this product up at many retailers nationwide.
Your Fashion Guru
Golfer Gal
Why in heaven’s name are shipping costs so outrageous with some of these golf companies on their items? Yes, I know it evens out in the end, but they do it just so they can put a lower price on the front of their website, then they stiff you inside. I think they feel triumphant, like they’re trying to get you, to call your bluff on not being smart enough. Here’s a smart idea: I’ll keep my money.
For me, if it evens out in the end, I dont care. Unlike another company we dealt with, this company isnt trying to hide things by offering “free priority” or anything like that. We thought that the shipping costs were really high, however with the 40% off, the deal at the end is very much worth it. But these products are available at a ton of places that you do not have to pay for shipping for.
The bag that comes along with is great for holding tees.
My wife swears by these things. She has 3 of them to match her outfits. The shipping does not bother me as much with the 40% right now.
I just picked up some of these for my wife at a local golf shop. Thanks for the review. I am glad that the purchase will be liked.
Bought these for my wife last year. She loves them. She has the leopard print.