Introducing SuperSpeed Squeeze

Many THPers have worked with the SuperSpeed product over the last few years and found speed. If you missed our detailed review from a few years ago on their training aid you can find it here.

After years of working on something new for the golf space, today they are introducing the SuperSpeed Squeeze, which focuses on grip strength and club head speed.

SuperSpeed Squeeze

Dr. Tyler Standifird of Utah Valley University has been instrumental in assisting with the development of the Squeeze protocol and the initial research on the results of the training. His initial study involved only four weeks of training three times per week and showed significant improvements in grip strength and swing speed.

Grip strength is one of the most limiting factors for many golfers who want to create more swing speed. Limitations in grip strength result in many swing issues including lack of lag, early release, casting, fat shots, thin shots, and many more. Most players have never thought that something as simple as grip strength could cause so many problems with the golf swing. Now, with the introduction of the SuperSpeed Squeeze, you can easily improve your grip strength leading to more control, consistency, and speed. 

The SuperSpeed Squeeze is easy to use fitting over the grip on your own golf club. Following their fairly simple protocol, about six weeks of regular training, speed should come. Speed means distance. Distance can lead to better golf. The best part is, training only takes about 15 minutes and can be done anywhere you can swing a club.

SuperSpeed Squeeze in use

The company has a lot of info available on their website including some videos that you will want to watch both on how to use, but more importantly before release, on how it works and why. You can find the product page here.

We will have a lot more on the SuperSpeed Squeeze coming up including how THPers can be involved in the challenge of getting faster. The new training aid will begin shipping in December and will be available soon at a cost of $50.

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Josh is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media with his wife Morgan Babbitt. Together they share a passion for golf, and they travel the country in the THP Tour Van bringing their love and knowledge of the game to golfers everywhere.