Lucky Tiger Men’s Care Line Part One

This review is being broken up into two pieces because this particular brand has two different lines, and we are lucky enough to be able to review/profile both of them. The 2nd review will be coming at the end of men’s care week. It involves their barbershop classics products. Lucky Tiger is a premium line of men’s grooming products specifically designed for a man who’s on his game. Originally created back in 1935, Lucky Tiger became an essential part of the neighborhood barbershop shave and haircut experience. Today, it has been reformulated with natural botanicals and organics to provide a polished look that makes the ladies swoon. When we first heard about this line based on a reader’s request, I just had to contact them to see about doing a review.

Shortly after speaking with the kind folks at Lucky Tiger, a package arrived and inside was a wonderful array of products. The packaging is fabulous. It is one large tin with a flip open lid and inside was the four essential products that we were asking to review from this line. This particular tin is available for sale at quite a few department stores. It is called the “Men’s Essential Grooming Kit”, and it is correctly named. You get each of the products you will need for fabulous grooming each day. The kit contains each of these four products:
8-oz. Face Wash
3.5-oz. Face Moisturizer
5-oz. Liquid Cream Shave
8-oz. After Shave and Face Tonic

For this review we will be giving you the profile highlights on each product. I can tell you this though, all four of our testers were blown away by how good this line was. And so far, it is the best shaving cream I have ever used. But more on that later. Let’s get to the good stuff and that is the products!

First up was the Lucky Tiger Face Wash. On opening of the product it almost smells free of any scent. But once you start to use it, you get a light hint of citrus. It is the perfect amount of scent and the smell itself is outstanding! The product contains both Aloe and Cucumber to help soothe your skin and it really prepares your face both for shaving and bedtime. All that was needed was a tiny bit of soap (maybe the amount of a nickel) and your face just felt and looked clean.

When doing this review we decided to all use the products the same. So in the morning we all washed, shaved and then used the tonic. At night we all washed and then used the lotion. So the next product in line to talk about is the Liquid Shaving Cream. If you take only one thing from this review, it is that this shaving cream is a must try for anyone out there. Now I am all for trying new products, but this one might have to be taken from me in order to get me to change. The shaving cream can be used with or without a shaving brush. Two of the reviewers used the brush and two did not. It is completely unscented and is a light cream. With a shaving brush the lather that was worked up was like something out of a movie. A dime sized amount would have enough lather to do your entire face. Without the brush a little more is needed, but still had excellent coverage. The shave was flat out the SMOOTHEST AND CLOSEST Shave I have ever had. Afterwards, I felt as though I didn’t even need After Shave. It was a fabulous feeling. The other testers, like me, loved this product.

Obviously next in line would be the After Shave & Face Tonic. I must admit I was skeptical when using this product. It is a very light consistency. Almost that of water. The fragrance is also very light but that same wonderful light citrus scent that I really liked in the Face Wash is in this product. It is completely natural and is made with certified organic aloe vera, calendula and chamomile to help sooth, calm and repair the skin. I filled a small amount into my palm and splashed it onto my face. It is instantly soothing. No burning at all. Almost feels like a nice cold water mist but with substance. A nice light feeling rather than a thick lotion that you would put on. A different twist, but very pleasant.
The shaving experience was so delightful that I could not wait to finish the day to try out the last of the products. So as the day came to an end I went up to the bathroom to try out the last part of the routine. It started with a cold face wash and using the same Fash Wash as before I can tell you that all of us agree that it is just a delight to use. You feel so clean the only comparison I can use is that shower that is taken after a round of golf where you can actually feel the dirt come off of you. Then it was time to try out the last of the products in the kit. I can honestly tell you that I am not really a “moisturizer” kind of guy. With that said, for the review we all decided to test this stuff out. First thing I noticed is that it is fragrance free. You cannot even tell that you have applied anything. The next thing I noticed is that it absorbs into your skin so fast you can barely tell where you put it on. We all used very little and I did notice that my skin felt softer and smoother. Will I continue to use it? I guess only time will tell. The entire product line was fantastic.

Overall I think this product line blew us away. Let’s be honest men. How many of us really take care of our skin? Very few. This line simplifies this process with 4 easy steps. The kit comes complete and is ready to use. It is a perfect kit for golfers. Each bottle is small and durable and can easily fit into a golf locker or gym bag. And although the kit may seem pricey compared to a can of barbasol and a bar of dove, there is enough product in each one to last months. And I can add one more thing. Even if you do not try any of the other products in this kit. Do yourself a favor and try the shaving cream. You will not be disappointed. You can also read all about each of the products that they offer at Lucky TigerAlso, do not forget that we will have part two of the Lucky Tiger Brand coming later. If these products are any indication, we might have found an absolute winner.

Till Next Time
Josh B

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Josh Babbitt is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media. He has a passion for the game and the equipment and travels the country hosting THP Experiences bringing the golf industry together with our forum community.