Nike Dymo and Dymo 2 Review

Nike Golf seems to be on a roll as of late. The Victory Red Full Cavity Irons we reviewed as well as the Victory Red Split Cavity we covered both got rave reviews. Compared to the previous years when THP just did not really care for their iron sets that much, this was a huge improvement.

A few years back Nike launched the SQ line of drivers and in 2007 we raved about both the round and square varieties and thought that they were about as good as we hit that year. In 2008, Nike Golf put out another version of the SQ line and although we loved the fairway woods, we thought the drivers were a step back in terms of distance and control in our personal testing. Many thought that the 2007 models had a horrible sound and in 2008 Nike muted that sound and in our opinion muted the clubs performance. 2009 is coming right up and many are anticipating what to see out of Nike Golf and their new line of drivers. As always The Hackers Paradise has it here for you first with a complete review of the Nike Dymo line of drivers.

The idea of DYMO technology originated from the Nike Golf athletes on the PGA Tour, who work with the knowledgeable members of Nike’s staff in its Tour Van to custom tune their drivers for maximum performance. DYMO technology represents “Dynamic Moment of Inertia,” which means that the CG location, Nike PowerBow size, head size, lie angle and MOI have been optimized and performance-matched to each respective available loft for more distance and better performance. “We’ve taken the MOI concept to greater detail by varying each clubhead to match the performance level of any player,” said Tom Stites, Director Club Creation for Nike Golf. “Every loft has a different shape, PowerBow, center of gravity placement, face height and face angle. The geometry in the DYMO allows us to deliver the optimal scenario for every player. In other words, it’s like a Tour Van on a stick.”

Nike Golf’s proprietary PowerBow Weighting is optimized in each loft option to help produce the shot-enhancing performance demanded by all players. The PowerBow Weighting is smallest in the lower lofted 9.5-degree model and features a higher face, with a more forward center of gravity to promote a more penetrating trajectory with less spin. The higher lofted 10.5, 11.5 and 13-degree models see the weight gradually increasing in size, moving the center of gravity further and lower back from a slightly shallower face to create progressively higher launch angles and higher spin rates. This combination produces the ideal balance of carry and roll for greater overall distance for each and every loft. In each loft, the lie angle goes up in increments of one degree, from 60 degrees in the 9.5-degree loft option, to 63 degrees in the HL (13 degrees) model, which helps to keep drives both long and straight. So whatever the swing speed, angle of attack, launch angle or preferred shot shape, the SQ DYMO’S tuned clubhead specifications provide maximum performance for every loft.

The SQ DYMO drivers are available in two game-enhancing head geometries. The straight-hitting, square-shaped SQ Dymo² has weight placed deep into the corners of the clubhead to offer exceptional stability and forgiveness, to help get the ball airborne with ease and power, while the rounder outline of the SQ Dymo delivers square mass in a more traditional head shape, and provides more precise feel and control, offering players the ability to work the ball in any direction.

Both models are fitted with Nike Golf’s proprietary UST Wide Body Shaft with an AXIV Core. This shaft features a larger overall diameter throughout the body, to provide more stability through impact for the specific moment of inertia characteristics of each loft-tuned head, while the AXIV Core provides the tip stiffness required for optimum power transfer.

Nike was kind enough to send out four drivers to have THP test out. We got both the Dymo and Dymo2 in regular and stiff shafts and in 9.5* and 10.5*. We decided that instead of our usual way of testing in a controlled group, we would do something a little different. More on that in a second. The first day we took these out to the range and then to the course. It was myself and our resident THP teaching professional. Both of us took turns alternating between both of these new Nike Drivers and both of us had the same feelings at the conclusion of hitting about 20 balls a piece. Nike is on a roll. No more hollow feeling or muted sound. These drivers have the characteristics that we want most in any driver. The face is extremely hot and the ball goes a long way. Comparing it head to head with a Titleist 909D2 left us wondering why anybody would purchase that club. Control is fantastic. Our shot dispersion with the Dymo2 was about as straight as it could get and the groupings of shots all landed very close to each other. With the Dymo we could really work the ball into a cut, draw, or straight and the feeling was better than either one of us expected. The round faced Dymo seems to give a little bit more distance and you still get unbelievable control. But both drivers felt as though they were by far the best that Nike has put out as of yet, and that is a bold statement considering they have lead the PGA in wins each of the last three years.

As mentioned earlier THP decided to change up their testing with these drivers because we had already found that two of us absolutely loved them, and rather than use a controlled group that we know like we do many times, we decided to hit a public driving range that gets very crowded and see what the general public thinks about the new Nike “big dog”. Once we arrived at the range and brought the four drivers up to the hitting area we approached golfers and although they looked confused and befuddled, they were happy to be included in our review. We were able to get feedback from 24 golfers and each golfer was given 10 balls to hit. THP was stunned when 22 out of the 24 golfers declared this club a winner. 15 of them really liked the Dymo (round head) and 7 really liked the Dymo2 (square head). Only 2 did not care of the driver. One of those two was a Staffer for another golf company and the other did not like 460cc drivers. We have never done an equipment test with this large of a testing pool and to have the results that positive was a real treat. Almost every player that hit the driver came up to us afterward and asked about release date, cost, and expressed a real interest in changing out for the new Nike line of drivers.

Headcovers are normally something we pretty much just gloss over. But in this case, it was the one thing we did not really care for about this club. The graphics are better than they normally are with a lot less yellow, however the combination of velcro and magnets just did not do it for us. We would have preferred either a slip on or something a little easier. But since we have so much love for some of the fun headcovers at THP, we recommend using one of those instead of staying away from this amazing driver.

Overall The Hackers Paradise gives the Nike Dymo line of drivers the highest grade possible. They will hit stores on 2/01/09 and are something that we really recommend anyone in the market for a new driver.. As one equipment tester put it, “Can we hold on to these until they are released before we send them back to Nike? I do not want to play without it.” The MSRP is $360.00 and in line with what THP expects a top of the line driver to cost. In fact we expected the MSRP to be $399.99. So far the 2009 lineup from Nike appears to be some of the best on the market. Each time we take the clubs out for real world testing they live up to and surpass our expectations. The Dymo and Dymo 2 are no different and perhaps the best we have tested from them to this point.

Till Next Time

Josh B.

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Josh Babbitt is the Publisher of The Hackers Paradise and co-founder of THP Media. He has a passion for the game and the equipment and travels the country hosting THP Experiences bringing the golf industry together with our forum community.